Monika Williams
offline1155 Finished Papers
33 Orders in Progress
Subjects Covered
- Randomness
- Pseudorandomness
- Quasirandomness
- Uncertainty
- Equiprobable
- Probability interpretations
- Statistical regularity
- Central tendency
- Bean machine
- Frequency probability
- Maximum likelihood
- Bayesian probability
- Principle of indifference
About Writer
I pursued my masters in this field of Mathematics from the University of Sydney and have gained experience for more than five years in the same. To guide the students in their academics, I provide writing assistance in assignments, dissertations, theses, research papers, term papers, etc. I have covered numerous topics related to probability for the college students such as Randomness, Pseudorandomness, Quasirandomness, Uncertainty, Probability interpretations, Statistical regularity, Central tendency, Frequency probability, Maximum likelihood, Bayesian probability, Principle of indifference, Credal set, Conditional Probability, Correlation Coefficient, Histogram, Normal Distribution, Uniform Distribution, Hypothesis, Independent Events, and many more. Hire me to get quick assistance with any of your academic writing work.
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