
Problem Regarding Employees Turnover within the Public Sector


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Employees turn over in the Public sector is the major issue in the present time as per the research. As many organisations is facing the problem regarding employees turn over because there are several reasons through which employees may dissatisfied. In an organisation, human resources plays a very crucial role through which several business activities and function can carried out for accomplish business objective. In the various countries like united states, united kingdom, Italy, France, Germany is facing issue regarding employees turnover and absenteeism through which organisations productivity is decreased. As per the research it has been found that in the Malta, there is also issue regarding employees turnover within the Public sector. Due to employees turnover, business productivity and profitability has been decreased in the Public sector. As per the report of local newspaper it has been found that employees turnover issue occurred in the Public sector due to the long working hours.

The major aim of this investigation is to investigate whether decreasing the issue of employees turnover by decrease the long working hours within the Public organisations in Malta country. In the current investigation, researcher have conducted the detail study for gather information regarding issue of employees turnover and its impact within the Public sector in Malta. For address research objective, scholar have applied several methods and techniques of research methodologies. With help of research methodology techniques, scholar can easily find out the best solution of research problem.

Meaning of employees Turnover

According to the view of Cerasoli, Nicklin and Ford, (2014) employees turnover refers to the numbers and percentage of employees who leave an organisation. It is a measurement of how many employees are leaving a corporation and it tracks if it has more personnels leaving than is typically expected. Employees turn over situation occurs within the company while they are unhappy and dissatisfied with organisation policies, practices, strategies, structure and salary then they take the decision to leave organisation. ;As per the view of Gillet, Gagné Sauvagère and Fouquereau, (2013) employees turn over is directly linked with employees motivation and satisfaction level. While company is facing issue regarding employees turn over then it will directly affect productivity and profitability of business unit. The entire progress, process, activities and functions of organisation is largely depends upon the employees. In the absence of personnels, organisation can not achieve its business objectives and can not carry out business activities. It is great responsibility of company to understand the actual reason behind employees turn over and make strategies to overcome it.

Reasons of employees Turnover within Public sector

According to the view of Gupta and Shaw, (2014) improper work life balance of employees is the major issue of employees turn over within the organisation. Due to the long working hours, employees can get frustrated within the company and they take the decision of leaving company. Every employee requires such effective working life balance through which their personal and professional life can easily balance. Hence, organisation should set such effective working practices and policy through which personnels can easily balance and manage their personal and professional life in easy manner. In the contradicting view Afful-Broni, (2012) stated that many employees leave organisation due to lack of recognition and appreciation. While corporation do not appreciate and recognise workers then they feel demotivate themselves and take decision to leave company. Thus, it can be said that lack of recognition and appreciation can occurs the issue of employees turn over within public sector of Malta country. In the opinion of Aguinis, Joo and Gottfredson, (2013) stated that lack of growth and progression is another major reason of employees turnover within the public sector. As there is lack of employees growth and progress due to which they demotivate and leave company. Thus, for company it is very important to provide effective growth and progress opportunities to workers and staff members so as they can retain within company for long time.

Policies and incentives to reduce employees turnover

According to the view of Lazaroiu, (2015) in order to overcome the issue of employees turnover within the business enterprise there are various kinds of strategies, policies and practices. It is very important for corporation to develop and structure such kind of policies, strategies and practices through which employees can make satisfy and happy. Personnels motivation is one of the significant method and criteria to motivate and encourage employees so as they can retain within the company for long time. With help of employees motivation, organisation can overcome the issue of employees turn over. While employees are effectively motivated and satisfied then it will help to organisation in increasing profitability and productivity. In the opinion of Malik, Butt and Choi, (2015) in order to motivate and encourage employees there are various kinds of methods such as monetary and non monetary reward system. In the monetary reward system, organisation can motivate employees by provide incentive, fringe benefits, compensation, bonus, perquisites etc. On the other hand in the non monetary reward system, company provides promotion, higher opportunity, growth, higher status etc. With help of monetary and non monetary reward system, corporation can easily motivate and encourage employees through which they can retain within company for long time. In the opinion of Mowday, Porter and Steers, (2013) monetary reward is related to the financial reward which make employees more happy and satisfy. While company fulfil employees financial requirement and need then they will motivate to perform in excellent manner.

In the contradicting view Noe, Wilk, Mullen and Wanek, ;(2014) stated that with help of effective policies, practices and strategies of business, company can overcome the issue of employees turn over. As per the research it has been found that in the Public sector, another major issue of the employees turn over within the Public sector is ineffective policies, practices and business strategies through which employees are highly dissatisfied and demotivated. In order to improve employees turn over company should develop effective strategy, policies, practices etc through which employees can manage their work in effective manner and retain within business for long time. By help of this procedure, organization can enhance representatives inspiration in light of the fact that while organization set compelling system, practices and business strategy then workers can do their work in smooth way. Along these lines, one might say that with a specific end goal to spur and support representative's execution, organization's working practices and arrangement is imperative. In the event that speciality unit sets the strategies that isn't reasonable to staff's they can nor work serenely inside organization and this thing can specifically influence efficiency and nature of business.

In the opinion of Olafsen, Halvari, Forest and Deci, (2015) employees turn over issue can also reduce by organise employees welfare programs and activities. With help of personnels welfare program and activities, company can easily motivate and encourage workers for higher performance and retain within company for long time. While company organise employees welfare program then they can make balance between their personal and professional life. In addition to this, with help of these activities and program they can learn the method to perform well at workplace. Ahmad and et. al., (2014) stated that employees turn over issue can overcome within the corporation by help of effective working environment at workplace. Representatives inspiration can enhance inside the working environment by successful workplace. While organization set the solid and powerful workplace then representatives can complete their work in methodical and compelling way. Subsequently, one might say that powerful workplace can organization in expanding worker's inspiration. They can work in more compelling and productive way while they have solid workplace at working environment.

According to the view of Pinder, (2014) training ;and advancement is the best framework to improve worker's motivation. Along these lines, association deal with the session for learning suitable techniques for work, data, limit with regards to representatives. With help of getting ready and change, association can allow to update the data, quality, fitness and capacity of representatives in regards to work. Staff's can without a lot of a stretch take in some innovative idea, data and capacity about the working in the association by means of getting ready and progression. This instrument helps workers in upgrading their quality execution and gainfulness. By along these lines, worker's motivation level can thusly improve which help accomplishment of association objective. In the contradicting view Ansara, (2015) stated that employees turnover issue within the public sector of Malta can improve by provide flexible working hours. There is major issue regarding long working hours due to which many employees can not balance their personal and professional life. Organisation in the public sector should allow employees for flexible working hours like work from home, part-time job etc. In addition to this, in the Malta country, public sector organisation should reduce the long working hours because as per the survey it has been found that majority of employees leaves the organisation due to long working hours so by decrease long working hours, companies can easily overcome this issue of employees turn over. Decreasing long working hour will help to public sector organisation in encouraging and motivating employees for retain within company for long time.

Moving toward the short working hour and short working week

According to the view of Ashkanasy, Bennett and Martinko, (2016) there is a direct relationship between the long working hours and employees turn over within organisation. If company sets the long working hour's policy for its employees then it can create issue of employees turn over because workers always desires flexible working hours and short hours of working. On the basis of research and few other studies it has been found that due to the long working hours within the organisations in the Malta, majority of employees leave organisation. It has been also stated that if company require overcoming issue of employees turn over then it should develop policy for short working hour as well as working day through which personnels can make balance between personal and professional life.

Concluding Remarks

From the collected information in the literature review it has been assessed that employees turn over and long working hour have direct relationship as if company develops the policy of long working hours then it will directly create issue of employees turn over. As personnels requires effective balance between their personal and professional life and long working hours make their life hectic and engaged. Thus, company should adopt such effective flexible working hour policy through which employees can make effective balance in their working life. It has been found that in the Malta the female and public organisation show the higher rae of absence than male and employees working in the private sectors as these factors have consistently emerged in various contexts, sectors and countries.

Research Design Proposal

Research Title and introduction

To Investigate whether decreasing the issue of employees turnover by decrease the long working hours within the Public organisations in Malta country.

In the Public sector within the Malta country, there is major issue related to employees turn over due to which many organisation's productivity and profitability is affected. As per the research it has been found that there are various organisations in the Public sector that are facing issue regarding employees turnover and this issue occurs due to the long working hours. For overcome this issue in the Malta country, researcher have conducted this investigation.

Keywords: Employees turnover, Long working hours, Public sector

Research Questions

What is the meaning of employees Turnover ?

What are the reasons of employees turnover within the Malta country?

Is long working hour major issue of employees turnover within Public sector in Malta country ?

Does switching to a six working hour day aid to decrease employees turn over within the Public organisation of Malta ?

Research Objective and framework

To understand the meaning of employees turnover?

To assess the reasons behind the employees turnover within organisations of Malta ?

To implement a six working hours aid in overcome issue of employees turnover with Public organisation of Malta ?

Research Proposal

Research Philosophies

Research reasoning is considered as the conviction of specialist with respect to the way that how information will be gathered, inspected and dissected. It additionally helps researcher to break down the sources which helps in creating information and nature of the investigation. Be that as it may, choosing fitting examination theory would bring about affecting on the final products of the evaluated investigate subject (Stanley, 2013). Rationalities are considered as the genuine wonder of the topic whereupon specialist expects to complete the entire research. Here, an inside and out examination is being led to survey the connection between motivational hypotheses and achieving business execution. It includes two kinds of research rationality i.e. positivism and interpretivism.

Positivism explore reasoning means to bring out the investigation through centering after evaluating the destinations of the examination. It likewise helps in centering after finding the false certainties from the specific research title. Positivism look into is done basically which helps in joining sensible change while doing the experiential perceptions. Be that as it may, positivism inquire about theory encourages specialist to increase just essential data which has been gathered from perceptions (Torres and Sidorova, 2015). In this manner, it diminishes the part of the agent to simply gather information and decipher to reach fitting determination. Positivism examine logic likewise helps in achieving target approach identified with directing examination and acquire the best answers for the point. Likewise, there is no arrangement inside the examination for including people inside the information gathering and in addition some other part in the investigation.

Further, interpretivism theory centers upon the subjective piece of the examination and includes diverse speculations and models. Additionally, it likewise includes people inside the examination since it is fundamental to depend upon how analyst translates the data acquired through the specific research. Be that as it may, the picked up results from such reasoning ends up practical and in this way give basic data with respect to inquire about inquiries. In such kind of research reasoning, individual can't be isolated out from their specific information. It is as comparative as the analyst couldn't be isolated from their examination theme else it would influence the results. Along these lines, the discoveries from such specific investigation is legitimate and dependable and accomplish wanted outcomes. In the current research study, scholar have main aim is to investigate whether decreasing the issue of employees turnover by decrease the long working hours within the Public organisations in Malta country. For address this objective, scholar implement positivism research philosophy in the investigation.

Research Design and research Methods

It can be surveyed as the general strategy that guides specialist to include diverse components of the investigation in a consistent way. Be that as it may, it empowers analyst to address the examination issue viably and proficiently. Research configuration is considered as the outline for gathering and surveying the information. It additionally helps in setting up a layout regarding how the examination would be assumed into position. Further, look into configuration additionally helps in acquiring accurate data with respect to the chose theme. It includes three unique kinds of research plan i.e. spellbinding, exploratory and trial inquire about outline.

Elucidating research configuration is considered as the hypothetical investigation and in this manner it is valuable for the researcher for doing any hypothesis based research. It additionally helps in characterizing the attributes of the populace which is being a piece of the examination and in this way valuable for those subjects in which depiction could be given and accomplish end results (Kim and et. al., 2015). Illustrative research configuration likewise helps in featuring the ebb and flow issues evaluated inside the investigation. The principle purpose for such research configuration is that it helps in characterizing the circumstance all the more adequately and proficiently.

Further, exploratory research configuration is another strategy through which analyst investigates the diverse inquiries and accordingly reaches to a discover conclusion on the discoveries. It helps in deciding the exploration issue and along these lines comprehend it successfully as to beat the issues inside the examination (van Nunspeet, Ellemers and Derks, ;2015). Besides, trial inquire about plan tends to change inside the discoveries or nature of the member required inside the examination. Inside this, researcher dole out respondents to level with circumstances and along these lines keep up appropriate checking over factors associated with examine. In this manner, for this specialist expects to thoroughly consider the factors with the goal that the picked look into configuration would help in noting the exploration questions. Such kind of research configuration is by and large utilized by researcher with respect to pick up the best learning about the topic and along these lines explore the discoveries to achieve comes about.

In the present research study, exploration research design has been chosen which helps in gathering significant genuine data and address the objective of research in effective and appropriate manner.


Sampling is considered as the approach through which researcher is able to collect target population from the whole universe. Thus, such selected population would be useful for carrying out research. Through carrying out the above analysis regarding primary data collection which is beneficial for collecting new and fresh data (Vanpoucke, Quintens and Van Engelshoven, 2016). ; ;With help of sampling method, scholar can easily select some group of people from large number of population. In the present study, researcher have selected 100 employees of the various Public organisations in the Malta country for Investigate whether decreasing the issue of employees turnover by decrease the long working hours within the Public organisations in Malta country.

Data analysis

In the wake of gathering the data from various sources it is fundamental for scientist to look at the same by utilizing distinctive instruments and procedures. In any case, such techniques are known as information investigation instruments. It can be expressed as the procedure of elucidation of information that aides in gathering fitting results and make last conclusion for the examination. Here, subjective research methodology is being utilized which helps in dissecting the data and learning (Wiengarten, Pagell and Fynes, 2013). Here, subjective research procedure is being utilized which helps in investigating the information through receiving topical examination. Scientist receives topical investigation with respect to look at the subjective data and achieve wanted outcomes. Topical investigation is the most ideal route through which subjective research study could be finished viably. It comprises various subjects, graphical portrayal and outlines and charts. Along these lines, it causes peruser to comprehend the subjects and assess the outcomes successfully. In the present thesis, qualitative research examination, recurrence tables, rate and arrangement is being utilized as a part of respect to survey and assess the outcomes. Further, topical examination includes graphical portrayal and along these lines intends to accomplish the best outcomes. Topical method of information examination helps in exhibiting the poll effectively. Additionally, topics are composed in such a way it causes researcher to get wanted review results and discoveries.

Data collection

In the entire research study, data collection is one of the significant method by which researcher can conduct study and find out solution of research problem. In the absence of data collection, scholar can not conduct investigation and can not obtain the solution of research problem. Data collection is a systematic process and method for gathering information ;through which effective solution of research problem can obtain in easy manner. There are major two kinds of data collection method that is primary and secondary data collection. With help of both data collection methods, scholar can collect information about the subject. Primary data collection method is the source by which fresh information can gather (Wu and Lu, 2012). In this method scholar can collect information from survey, interview, questionnaire, group discussion etc. With help of all these methods, scholar can easily collect fresh information about the subject and obtain solution of research problem. On the other hand in the secondary data collection, scholar can collect data from the secondary sources such as books, journals, online article, blogs etc. With help of both primary and secondary data collection, scholar can easily collect information about the subject and find out effective solution of research problem. In the present study, scholar have selected secondary data collection method for collect and assess information regarding the subject. With help of secondary data collection, scholar can easily gather information about the subject and find out solution. In this aspect, researcher can gather information from books, journal, online blogs , magazines etc.

Ethical consideration

Ethical consideration could be expressed as one of the successful approach which encourages researcher to recognize the contrast amongst good and bad. Inside each examination, creator needs to consider morals and guarantee that no unscrupulous practice is being completed while contending the investigation. Here, creator centers after choosing contemporary research subject whereupon different examination is being finished. Accordingly, in such sort of condition, by and large moral issues are being recognized while gathering essential and auxiliary data. For example, at the season of essential information accumulation, it is fundamental for researcher to take appropriate wellbeing and security to ensure individual data of the considerable number of members. In any case, if information is spilled than it influences the suitability of the exploration (Zhang and Bartol, 2010). Consequently, with a specific end goal to oversee such issue it is basic for researcher to attempt fitting review information that is required to decide fluctuated factors that aides in distinguishing the connection between motivational speculations and business execution. Subsequently, scientist means to keep up legitimate wellbeing and security of all individual data of respondents engaged with finishing the investigation. Through keeping up secrecy of data prompts anchoring the information and does not utilize the substance of unapproved site. Further, change and control in gathered data should be kept away from with the goal that they can accomplish the best arrangement of the distinguished research issue. Likewise, while utilizing optional information the principle issue emerge is of written falsification. In this manner, to limit such issue it is basic for specialist to utilize their own words and does not duplicate or glue from some other sources.

Validity and reliability

Dependability is considered as the path through which appraisal done are solid and therefore it encourages researcher to play out the comparative examination upon the circumstance keeping in mind the end goal to achieve wanted result. While, legitimacy surveys that the entire test idea helps in meeting the normal results. In the present research, researcher plans to guarantee the legitimacy and unwavering quality of the information, gathered sources or data, information investigation instruments (Zhao, Seibert and Lumpkin, 2010). In the investigation, it is very important for obtain and use reliable and valid information so as effective outcome can obtain in easy manner. It is very important to have reliable and valid information in the research so as scholar can easily conduct reliable and valid information.

Timescale and Gantt chart

In order to initiate the project management plan it is very important to consider time aspect and initiate each and every activity according to the specific time period. There are various activities which have to conduct by researcher for accomplish research objective. In the research study, due to lack of time period, scholar may face issue in conducting investigation (Zumitzavan and Michie, 2015). In order to overcome the negative impact of time period, scholar may use Gantt chart method and time scale by which each and every activity can organise and conduct according to specific time period. With help of Gantt chart method, whole activities divide in the small parts through which scholar can easily accomplish its objective of research.

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Books and Journals

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  • Ahmad, M. and et. al., 2014. Web-based research using Delphi methodology to explore the discrepancy in qualitative research. ;International Journal of Nursing and Health Science. 1 (6). ;pp. 60, ;68.
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  • Ashkanasy, N. M., Bennett, R. J. and Martinko, M. J. eds., 2016.Understanding the High Performance Workplace: The Line Between Motivation and Abuse. Routledge.
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