7 Leadership Qualities for Students to Enhance During Academic Life
10 Dec 2020 2807
Every student wishes to take on a leadership or management role in an organization. But leading a team is nothing like a walk in a park. An individual needs enormous courage, dedication, intelligence, and integrity to connect with people with different goals and make them work for a common goal. However, if students are encouraged to begin developing leadership skills within them in the classroom, then they can successfully emerge as individuals with the ability to turn ideas into real-life success stories. With this, let’s take a look at some of the best leadership qualities that students should develop.
7 Leadership Qualities to Develop in the Classroom
1. Take Charge- Accountability and Responsibility
Be it in distributing papers or leading a group discussion, take charge of different activities that are performed in a classroom. By doing this, you will learn how to be accountable for your performance and make your teammates realize their responsibility.
2. Team Work- Involve in Group Activities
There are various group activities performed in a classroom, such as group discussions, group projects, games, etc. Getting involved in these will not only help you be good at your studies but also, you will learn how to work within the team and steadily manage to lead a team.
3. Critical Analysis of Self- Participate in Competition
When you participate in various competitions, you will realize your strengths, weakness, and always active to do new things. Not only this, but you will also get the confidence in standing and winning the threats and grabbing new opportunities.
4. Active Learning- Be Ready to Learn
No matter at what academic level you are studying, what is your intelligence level, how much good grades you get in your academics, you should always be ready to learn new things. You should learn to accept if you don’t know how to do a particular work.
5. Active Listening- Listen First and Then Speak
Listening is the most important quality which a student should enhance to become a good leader. Thus, it is advisable for students to listen carefully not only to your teachers but also, to your friends and classmates.
6. Gentleness- Behave Politely
A good leader is always polite to others who are under him. And polite is a behavior that you can enhance when you are a student. Now you will say that “I always talk politely to my teacher.” But, here we are not only discussing teachers but also about your friends, teammates, and classmates.
7. Empathy- Help Others and Ask for Help
We all know that everyone faces problems, be it a student or a professional. So, if you start helping your friends with problems be it related to academics or personal life, you will definitely improve your critical thinking skills and problem-solving skills. Moreover, this will also help you build a better relationship with your classmates. So, now when you have got to know about the leadership qualities that you can improve in class, let's know about a few myths related to it.
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1)Leadership is inborn- Generally, it is thought that a good leader comes with innate qualities and he doesn’t need to do any hard work. But, the actuality is that everyone is born with this quality and the one who works on nurturing these qualities becomes a successful leader.
2)Leadership always has positive influence- This is another misconception that every leader influence only in a positive way. Then, why don’t we take examples of leaders like Pol Pot, Josef Stalin who just lead their groups through negative means to fulfill their personal goals?
3)Leadership is resisted by members- It is a common perception among many students that leading a group is not required as many teammates will restrict or not agree with leaders’ decisions. But, actually, nowadays there are people who wish to have a good leader and follow in his footsteps.
4)Leader is only responsible for success/failure- The worst conception about leadership is that only the group leader is responsible for all the outcomes of the group. Just like the whole team along with the captain is responsible for winning or losing a particular game, not only the group leader but also its members are equally responsible for the outcomes of the group’s performance.
5)Leadership means power over members- A good leader should be able to correctly delegate the responsibility and authority to its subordinates to perform a task. But, that doesn’t mean he has full power over them. To complete the group task, even he has to equally work in the team.
6)Leadership is official- Although leadership is dynamic and informal in nature, many of you understand that a leader is a person who is officially appointed. There are many examples to prove that leadership is not a specific designation. For example, in a self-help group of women, there can be one or two leading ladies or each member of that group is the leader of a specific task, or in group projects in schools, etc.
These were a few myths surrounding leadership that we our leadership assignment help experts have debunked. So, it is suggested to not fall into the trap and work towards enhancing your leadership qualities and emerge as a great leader. All the best!
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