
Everything You Need to Know About Professional Reference Letter Writing

09 Jun 2022 2067
How to Write a Professional Reference Letter?

How to Write a Letter of Reference with Templates?

In today's scenario, reference letter writing is important to examine the applicant's skills, knowledge, capabilities, and most importantly, his character because it is impossible to judge a person solely based on their appearance. This is the reason companies ask for reference letters.

The reference letter describes you as a person as well as your job experience, degree, skills, and capabilities. This is important to know how you work, how you interact with your colleagues, whether your nature is helpful or not, and other characteristics.

Here in this blog, you will learn everything about reference letters. So let’s get started,

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What Is a Reference Letter?

A reference letter is a kind of certificate in which someone assesses the skills and abilities of another person, usually in a favourable light. Employers commonly send this type of letter to ex-employees. It's required when applying for jobs, internships, graduate schools, and other similar opportunities.

It is usually necessary at the time of employment. Organizations require reference letters from candidates who have been chosen. This is to see if they're a good fit for the position. The employer has the right to revoke the offer if it is determined to be unsuitable. 

How to Write a Reference Letter?

When you are applying for a new job, the company can ask you for a reference letter. And, at that time, you need the perfect one!

Let’s see how to write a reference letter and the structure of a reference letter?

There is a set format for reference letters, so you can follow the same to write the appropriate reference letters.

Information & Greetings:

It must include the sender’s and recipient’s information followed by the correct formal salutation. The salutation can vary, like

  • A professional reference letter begins with "Dear Mr. or Ms. Last Name."
  • A character or personal reference letter begins with "Whom It May Concern."
  • An academic reference letter begins with "Dear Admissions Authorities."

First Paragraph:

This part of a reference letter includes the name and job profile of the person to whom you are referring. Also, mention how long you have known that person and your relationship with him/her.

Body of the Letter:

This includes 2-3 paragraphs in detail on why the candidate is perfect for the job role.

Closing & Sign Off:

In the closure, sign off with an appropriate valediction. For example, Best Regards, thanks, or sincerely. This can be used in the end.

What’s the Difference Between Reference Letter & Recommendation Letter?

There is not a major difference between a recommendation letter and a reference letter, as both introduce a person, his/her character, skills, abilities, integrity, and interests.

When a student is applying for a job or giving an entrance exam for a college, university, or scholarship, he or she needs a recommendation letter. It includes some significant information related to skills, abilities, and qualifications rather than describing his or her personal characteristics. This is known as a recommendation letter.

Example of a Recommendation Letter

To whom it may concern: 

[Recommend the referee for the position they are applying for.]

[Briefly introduce yourself and state your position/job title, as well as your work experience.]

[Tell how you know the referee and describe their top skills, qualifications, and strengths.]

[Share a personal story with the referee where you highlight their strong points and key achievements.]

[Add a few more of the applicant’s skills and positive traits, preferably fitting the job description.]

[Show your availability to provide additional information for the referee if needed.]

Best Regards

[Your full signature and contact information]

Whereas a reference letter overall describes the character of a person. It is more related to an individual person and his or her character than describing his or her skills and capabilities.

Example of a Reference Letter

Dear [insert name],

I am writing to recommend [employee_name]. [He/She/They] worked with us at [company_name] as a [employee_job_title] and [reported to me/ worked with me] in my position as [insert your job title].

As an employee, [employee_name] was always [insert quality]. During [his/her/their] time in my team, [he/she/they] managed to [insert example].

I’ve always put a premium on [insert quality] among my team members and [employee_name] never failed to deliver. An example was when [insert example].

[Employee_name] is a delight to work with and I wouldn’t hesitate to hire [him/her/them] again.

Should you have any further questions about [him/her/them], feel free to reach me at [phone number].


[Your name and signature]

Reference and recommendation letters are both equally important. You need to decide which letter is most suitable for you. If you are looking for advice on writing, our experts are here to help.

Types of Reference Letter?

  • Professional Reference Letters

A professional reference letter includes a description of the candidate's position and responsibilities, the duration of time they served in the previous company, their capabilities, skills, qualifications, and contributions towards the organization's attainment of growth and development. This letter is generally given by a supervisor, colleague, professor, or any other higher authority.

  • Character or Personal References

This letter states the personal characteristics of a person and how he is suitable for the job role. This letter can be written by a friend, mentor, or neighbor.

  • Academic References

This letter describes the educational background, academic performance, and achievements. This can be written by a professor, teacher, advisor, or any other senior level person.

Free Samples of Reference Letter Writing

Here are a few samples of reference letters. You can use these to write a meaningful reference letter.

Sample Letter - 1

Name of the Reference Provider

Address Postal Code 

Place of Residence 

Telephone Number


Reference letter for _____

After many years of excellent work in our company, Mr. / Mrs. _____ has decided to look for new professional challenges. A step that I, as his previous boss, on the one hand, very much regret but can still warmly recommend to Mr. / Mrs. ___.

In the time of TT.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY Mr./Mrs. _____ has worked for me in the position of ___ and has always completed his tasks to my complete satisfaction and with great enthusiasm and commitment. I got to know and appreciate him/her as an independent, responsible, and reliable colleague.

Mr./Mrs. _____ also holds an excellent reputation among his colleagues and customers.

In addition to the impeccable professional qualifications, Mr. / Mrs. _____ is characterized by optimism, friendliness, and a high ability to work in a team. I consider him/her to be ideally suited for a position as ___ and recommend him/her for employment in this field at any time.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me by email at _____ or phone at _____.


Signature + Name


Sample Letter - 2

Dear Mr. Hopkins,

I am pleased to recommend Jane Marshall for the position of sales manager.

I have served as the Regional Sales Director for Big Game Products for 15 years. Jane began her career with us nine years ago as a junior salesperson. Since then, she has been promoted several times and now leads her own team of 12 salespeople.

Jane's team is consistently in the top 10% of our 25 sales teams. She is well liked by her coworkers and stands out to management for her drive, dedication to improving processes and ability to mesh seamlessly with any group of people.

She encourages her team, and though she is a great salesperson, she is an even better coach and mentor.

I fully recommend her for this position.

Please contact me if you have any additional questions.


Omar Fields

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Things To Remember After Drafting a Reference Letter

If you are drafting a reference letter, you must keep a few things in mind:

  • Always mention the relationship of the reference to the candidate
  • How long the reference person has known the candidate
  • Describe the candidate's qualities, skills, capabilities, and experience if have.
  • Finally, a statement of recommendation
  • Add reference's contact information
  • Never Exaggerate
  • Try to be professional
  • Follow the Set Format

Try to examine the type of reference letter writing as it is very important before drafting a reference letter. A reference letter plays an important role in a candidate’s profile and helps them get their choice of job. So, whether you're writing a professional, personal, or academic reference letter, always stick to a standard format. Furthermore, always remember to proofread the content as an irrelevant and inappropriate reference letter leaves a candidate's bad impression on authority. You can also find the thesis writing help tips.

In this blog, a few samples are available, so you can check them out before writing a new one. The set format is given, so try to write according to that only. You can also take help from us also, assignment prime is a one-stop solution that provides the best writing services across the globe. We have a team of professional writers, researchers, editors, and proofreaders who have years of experience in their fields. So, you can reach out to us to get in touch with our experts!

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