
Case study on A One Communication


  • Unit No: 11
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 33 / Words 8329
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: R/508/0522
  • Downloads: 2483
Organization Selected : A One Communication


1.1 Overview of Research

Digital technology and tools are regarded as most necessary component of this modern era, there are many people which are using the digital technology in order to connect with people in better manner. It is helpful in make life of people more comfortable as well as easier. In the present time period, there are more people which aware regarding digital technologies and also know regarding advantages as well as significance (Bolton and et. al., 2013). In addition to this, social media comprises better term of existing period as large number of people are using this for upgrade abilities along with insights. Life based on internet compelling in order to catching wide zone by providing better data and information concerned with an administration and products at the commercial centre.

On the other hand mobile applications are regarded as most fundamental element of cutting an edge society. It is a kind of application software that designed to run mobile device like for an instance tablet computer and smart phone. The mobile applications are frequently service to give users with the same services to accesses on the computers. Generally, applications are software, small with the limited function. These are move from an integrated software system searched on PCs. Mainly it is computer program which prepared to run on mobile devices in better manner. In context to this, mobile application are more connected innovation through which large number of people are connected (Chen, Chiang and Storey, 2015). This research project is based on A One Communication firm and it is private small size organisation. This firm deals in trading data and telecommunication network equipments. Main motive of this company is to enhance its productivity and expand its business in to the other countries.

1.2 Background of Research

In today's world, digital technology is playing a crucial role in every person's life, whether it is company or human being. In context with business organisations, it has been analysed that in every step they are incorporating various mediums of digital technology in order to give effective results to its end customers. Firms with different operations along with objectives have taken under in use of digitalisation in almost every single activity. This has helped organisations in running business in an easy manner. Apart from this, mostly this type of process has adopted by enterprises in order to decrease manual work or efforts which has been made by humans. Along with this, it has also been analysed that impact of digital technology can be both negative and positive (Goggin, 2012). Mobile technology in modern world is being utilised by almost every single person. In context to this, A One communications which is delivering ample number of services to its consumers like delivering consultancy or network have raised its image in short period of time. Hytera 78X Series, TAIT TP9300 Series, ICOM IC-F5000 Series and many more. On the other hand, they are also specialised in different voice, data, Internet, MPLS VPN, B2B, SMBs and many more other things as well. It has also been analysed that Online marketing along with social networking plays a vital role when it comes to deliver information to consumers high in numbers. In context to this, researcher have conducted the investigation in order to obtain results that are related to impact of new and modern mobile technology on life of customers which has been provided A One communications.

1.3 Significance of an Investigation

Investigation report contains ample number of importance when it comes to pull out favourable outcomes in effective and appropriate manner. In present context, it has been analysed that researcher is looking into impact of mobile technology which is being offered by A One communications. As there is improvement in economy so firms are locked in towards grasping propelled progresses with a particular ultimate objective to develop their exercises and government are influencing courses of action to make all relationship to get mechanized advances in order to get accomplishment in their assignments (Hudson and et. al., 2015). Apart from this, as majorly mobile technology is being utilised by almost every single person in modern era, it is also helping firms to develop various strategies through which administration have gathered knowledge that what exactly consumers or clients are looking for. On the other hand, it has also helped management in looking forward into different aspects and which may aid them in graining many competitive advancements through looking at strategies that has been adopted by business firms. Each one of the activities of business are gathered by various fragments which are working thusly overhauling improvement and efficiency extents. Imaginative work practices are gainful for firms remembering the ultimate objective to get progressions as demonstrated by solicitations of people in the economy. The essential after-effect of research is associated with evaluating consequences of flow progresses by using diverse contraptions and techniques by which advancement can be expert.

1.4 Aim

“To evaluate significance of mobile applications and social media in developing better relationship with consumers at international level. A case study on A One Communication.”

1.5 Objectives

It is based on evaluation points on grounds whose are various targets to concerned with the title (Kim and Ko, 2012). Under this, there are some objectives which are mention below as above:

  • To determine advantages of mobile technology and social media.
  • To identify various measures which adopted through A One Communication in order to gain attention of individuals towards firm.
  • To articulate efficiency of consumer attraction for advantage of productivity and success of A One Communication.
  • To suggest different ways through which A One Communication can retain its competitive position in market.

1.6 Research Questions

It is interlinked with targets and develop on the basis of certain destinations of exploitation. There are some research questions are given below:

  • What are advantages of mobile technology and social media?
  • What are different measures which adopted through A One Communication in order to gain attention of individuals?
  • How consumer attraction is necessary to take advantage of productivity and success of A One Communication?
  • What are different ways through which A One Communication can retain its competitive position?

1.7 Time Scale


It is crucial part of research and helpful in perform an investigation through fusing the opinions and view points of different writers. It is helpful in show capacity and comprehension of analyst to assess the diverse research venture area. Under this, view points and opinions of various authors as well as writers are taken place. It is based on the secondary method of data collection. It is based on the topic of an investigation and aids in better understanding to this project.

2.1 Advantages of mobile technology and social media

On the basis of view point of Kotler, 2015, there are various kinds of social media platforms in order to develop better websites to promote various kinds of techniques as well as tools to achieve objectives and aims of firm in an effective or better manner.

Benefits of Mobile technology

High Versatility- The smart phones are pocket sizes which can capture range of data like for an instance audio, camera, text, GPS, making them versatile as well as neglect to carried out more specialist and expensive equipments. They are easy to use and helpful in connect with the people in all over world.

Less data errors- Using of papers can bring risk that can make some error at the time of transcribed data in to digital format and also for ready to analysis. In addition to this, smartphones can minimize many transcription errors or mistakes. Under this, monitor and smart phones can make corrections in any kind of errors without developing messy paper form.

Minimize time among gathering data and analysing- It is helpful in neglect requirement for the data transcription that helps to minimize time required for transfer data from data analysis area. In context to this, transferring data or information over network means that it can reduce time of data collection.

Benefits of Social Media

Connectivity- According to Larivière and et. al., 2013, it has been stated that people of any where are connected with the each other in all over world. It regardless of religion as well as location. With the help of this people can share their view points and opinions with each other.

Awareness- IT develop awareness as well as innovative way in which people live. It is helpful in discover the innovative and new ideas which can increase their personal lives. In this modern era, each and every people are using different social media tools.

Helps in developing communities- In world, there are various beliefs and religions. The social media is helpful in developing as well as participating in community of society of own believes and religion in order to learn as well as discusses regarding it. In context to this, people of various societies can connect to explain as well as share the necessary ideas.

2.2 Various measures which adopted through A One Communication in order to gain attention of individuals

Under this, there are different measures which are used through through an organisation in context to attract the more consumers. These measures will be helpful in attract the large number of consumers and generate more profit level. It is a primary motive of company to satisfy needs and demands of customers in a significant manner. There are various kinds of corrective measures given below as above:

Execute innovative and new technology- In this, there are different kind of innovative technology which helps to attain objectives and aims of A One Communication. On the basis of view point of Laudon and Laudon, 2016, if firm will implement new technology at workplace, then in this case it can develop new things and make also connect with the people in all over the world to aware about their demands and needs in an effective manner. With the help of using innovative technology, firm can make improvement in operations and achieve targets on given period of time.

Introduce new products- Execution of new technology is helpful in develop new services and goods which are according to preferences of consumers and enhance the productivity of A One Communication. It is necessary that company should make some changes in its existing goods to attract consumers.

Execute promotional techniques and tools- There is a requirement to management of A One Communication to ascertain various kinds of techniques and tools which aids in develop new quality goods to generate more profit level of firm.

2.3 Efficiency of consumer attraction for advantage of productivity and success

According to view point of Malthouse and et. al., 2013, it has been stated that success of small firm owners is based on an ability in order to get things which are done with the limited resources. In order to this, productivity is measure how business is efficient to utilize its resources in order to manufacture better quality of services and products. There are various kinds of innovative and new technology at market place to achieve various strategies in order to increase motivation to various kinds of employees which are working in firm. It is helpful in attaining set aims as well as objectives of firm in an effective manner. On the basis of view point of Rapp and et. al., 2013 it has been summarized that Innovative technology is helpful in identify effectiveness and efficiency to perform various kinds of activities or operations of firm. In addition to this, digital technology is helpful to perform various kinds of activities or operations of company. With the help of using advanced technology, company can produce better quality of services and products to company in an effective manner. In context to this, it leads to increase growth and profit level. Under this, manager of A One Communication provide training and development to it staff members for enhance their abilities as well as skills so that they can perform in better way. It will be helpful in attain targets and aim in significant manner. It is a responsibility of firm to enhance motivation level of company so that they can focus towards achieving objectives of company and will be retain at workplace for long period of time. In order to attract large number of consumers, this firm produce goods which are according to needs and demands of consumers. Through this, A One Communication can enhance its growth and success in better way.

2.4 Different ways through which A One Communication can retain its competitive position in market

On the basis of opinion of Sashi, 2012, it has been concluded that there are different kinds of strategies which firm used in context to retain the better position at market place. Competitive benefit makes an entity of services and products superior to some other choices of consumers. In order to achieve aims of firm, there are different initiatives which are taken. Under this, there are various ways given below by which A One Communication company can retain its competitive position:

Produce innovative goods- IT is a min duty of firm to manufacture products as well as crevices according to demands of consumers in an effective manner. Preferences and needs of customers are changing day by day. So, there is a requirement to this firm that before produce any new products, firm need to analyse demands of consumers in better manner. In its existing services or goods, A One Communication organisation make some changes or add some other features which can attract consumers most.

Enhance promotional activities- According to view point of Tiago and Veríssimo, 2014, it has been stated that Promotion is an effective strategy to aware people about service and products to firm in better manner. Company can know about features or specifications of its existing services. There are many different promotional tools which can used through A One Communication firm like for an instance newspapers, television, social media, print media and many others. It will be helpful in gain competitive position of firm at market place.

Expand its business operations- In order to gain competitive position in market, A One Communication company can expand its all business operations and activities in other countries. It is helpful in attract large number of consumers and enhance profit level.


An examination and survey approaches are necessary part to manage as well as direct different task which need to taken place. This investigation has various application that is difficult for direct an exploitation all methods in systematic manner. It is necessary and in this, researcher conduct an investigation to get better conclusion. Research methodology is helpful in doing an investigation in proper direction through using various applications.

3.1 Type of investigation

It is indispensable research pieces and it is a responsibility of an investigator is to search process of examination. There are two different research types which are given below:

Qualitative research- This kind of investigation depends on an ethnographic tools and these are focus groups, interviews, questionnaire and many others (Tsimonis and Dimitriadis, 2014). In context to gather information regarding specific topic of research, it is complex to attain in terms of quality. Under this, it is related to words as comparison to numbers and also holistic description. This research is helpful in provide effective outcomes by including opinions and view points of people.

Quantitative research- It emphasis measurement of aims and also numerical analysis or statistical mathematical of collected data by questionnaire, surveys and polls through manipulate the pre- current data using the better computational tools or techniques. This current investigation depends of an examination or gathering data in terns of numeric to predict and explain interest. It enables effective resources deployment through reducing the servicing costs. It is structured way to analyse and gather data and information.

Among both of them an investigator uses qualitative research because it provide data in detailed manner.

3.2 Research Design

It is defined as a blue print or draft through which a researcher do analysis about what steps are to be followed for having an effective results. It helps them in classifying the work into different segments which are descriptive, exploratory and experimental research design. Further it assist a researcher in validated results (Turban and et. al., 2017). In this report, researcher will descriptive methods and it is basically depends on qualitative nature and gives appropriate information and data.

3.3 Research Philosophy

This is considered as a crucial part of any kind of research as it aid a researcher in giving adequate results and data. In this, researcher gathers information from different sources that includes articles and papers written by writers and scholars (Van Dijck, 2013). Other than this, researcher also uses interpretivism and positivism logic which helps them in identifying the process which can give legitimate and fitting information. In this research investigator is using Interpretivism as it is more significant in collecting information and knowledge that can be used in future proceedings.

3.4 Research Approach

Basically research approach can be classified into two methods i.e. inductive and deductive in nature. Entire concept depends upon the subjective manner, for evaluating and conducting the whole research the researcher is using inductive approach as is giving them critical way for accomplishing the entire task.

3.5 Data Sampling

Data sampling is a crucial process as this assist them in selecting eligible respondents who can respond to their questions. So, it is essential that researcher takes sample from the targeted sample who can provide adequate information and data which further can be utilised in evaluating effective results. Sample size that was taken in this assignment was 40 by A One Communication which is adequate for the topic in which researcher is working (Wirtz and et. al., 2013). Other than this, it essential that investigator uses best apparatus and procedure in order to get appropriate information. Data can be in based on probabilistic and non-probabilistic that is enough for conducting the entire research.

3.6 Methods of data collection

According to current market scenario there are various methods through which researchers can collect data. These are primary and secondary method which investigator can use as per the situations and circumstances. Primary methods: data which are gathered are authentic and is done by researcher himself/herself. So, collected information are not used by any other sources and people. Whereas secondary methods includes knowledge that are gathered with different sources like books, journals, internet sources and many more. Other than this, researcher uses different kinds of techniques for accomplishing the task in a better manner.

3.7 Ethical Consideration

It is important that research is done effectively and for this it is essential that they consider ethical norms so that they can perform the entire work without any issues and complications (Tsimonis and Dimitriadis,2014). Two biggest problems that are faced by researcher are related to cost and time. Further to cope up with this researcher has incorporated different approaches and elements.


It is a procedure of applying statical as well as logical techniques in systematic way in order to condense, illustrate, evaluate and explain data and information. In addition to this, it is necessary element of assuring data integrity is appropriate and accurate research findings analysis.






Contact No.-

Q1) Does mobile technologies and social media are helpful for organisational productivity and also success?

a) Yes

b) No

Q2) What are main significance of social media tools in enhancing productivity of A One Communication company?

a) Better consumer relationship

b) Minimize cost

c) Increase brand awareness

Q3) What are benefits of mobile technology in business of A One Communication?

a) Less data errors

b) Minimize time among gathering data and analysing

c) High Versatility

Q4) What are main mobile technologies used through A One Communication company to gain attention of consumers towards company?

a) Website

b) Cloud computing

c) Mobile application

d) Online applications

Q5) Does mobile technologies and social media effective in impacting on decision making of consumers in context to provide services and products?

a) Yes

b) No

Q6) What are the major reason behind using the source of Social media and mobile applications within the work place?

a) Detailed Description

b) Reaching to consumers

c) Easy Availability of products

d) Expand business at global market

Q7) What are necessary techniques used through A One Communication firm in context to sustain loyal consumers for business?

a) Discounted offers

b) Provide services after sales

c) Free vouchers

Q8) What are various measures which adopted through A One Communication in order to gain attention of individuals?

a) Introduce new products

b) Execute promotional techniques and tools

c) Execute innovative and new technology

Q9) Does consumer attraction is better for preparing increasing organisational sales and profitability?

a) Yes

b) No

Q10) Recommend different ways through which A One Communication can retain its competitive position in market.

THEME 1: Mobile technologies and social media are helpful for organisational productivity

Q1) Does mobile technologies and social media are helpful for organisational productivity and also success?






Interpretation: Mobile technology and social media both plays necessary role in order to make business firm success as well as more productive. Under this, there are 30 respondents among 40 said that mobile technologies and social media both are helpful for success of company. On the other hand there are 10 respondents which are not agree with this statement.

THEME 2: Significance of social media tools in enhancing productivity

Q2) What are main significance of social media tools in enhancing productivity of A One Communication company?


Better consumer relationship


Minimize cost


Increase brand awareness


Interpretation: Social media tools are helpful in increasing growth of firm. On the basis of view point of 20 respondents, main importance of social media is to maximising growth of firm. There are 12 people which said that social media tools are helpful in reduce cost of firm and enhance effectiveness in better manner. According to the 8 respondents, major significance of social media is to increases awareness about brand of A One Communication firm.

THEME 3: Benefits of mobile technology in business

Q3) What are benefits of mobile technology in business of A One Communication?


Less data errors


Minimize time among gathering data and analysing


High Versatility


Interpretation: Mobile technology provides benefits to company and increase growth of business. According to 14 respondents, main advantage of mobile technology is reduce the chances of data errors. On the other hand, there are about 17 respondents which said that it helps in reduce time among gathering data and analysing. On the basis of view point of 9 respondents, mobile technology is more versatile.

THEME 4 : Mobile technologies used through A One Communication company to gain attention of consumers

Q4) What are main mobile technologies used through A One Communication company to gain attention of consumers towards company?




Cloud computing


Mobile application


Online applications


Interpretation: At market place, there are many mobile technologies which used through organisations in order to gain more attention of customers towards firm. Under this, there are almost 11 people which said that A One Communication company should use website so that people can know about its crevices and products. On the other hand, there are 9 respondents which said that online applications are more helpful to attract consumers and interact with them in an easy manner. 12 respondents are agree with cloud computing option.

THEME 5: Mobile technologies and social media effective in impacting on decision making

Q5) Does mobile technologies and social media effective in impacting on decision making of consumers in context to provide services and products?






Interpretation: The mobile application as well as social media both are affecting on the decision making. According to view point of 28 respondents that mobile applications and also social media are effective order to impact on decision making to provide better services or products. On the other hand, there are also 12 respondents which are not agree with this.

THEME 6: Major reason behind using the source of Social media and mobile applications

Q6) What are the major reason behind using the source of Social media and mobile applications within the work place?


Detailed Description


Reaching to consumers


Easy Availability of products


Expand business at global market


Interpretation: Behind use of mobile applications as well as social media, there are main reasons. According to 8 respondents, main benefit of using the social media is to provide detailed description of services and products to consumers. There are 10 respondents which said that reason behind using better social media tool is to reach at consumers. According to 13 people, it is helpful in provide easy availability of goods and services. On the basis of view point of 9 people that main reason is to expand business at international level.

THEME 7: Necessary techniques used through A One Communication

Q7) What are necessary techniques used through A One Communication firm in context to sustain loyal consumers for business?


Discounted offers


Provide services after sales


Free vouchers


Interpretation: There are many different techniques which various organisations are used in order to sustain their loyal customers towards firm at market place. On the basis of view point of 14 respondents that effective technique which should used through A One Communication company to sustain consumers is discounted offers. On the other hand, there are 16 respondents which said that if firm will provide free vouchers to its consumers then in this case they will be attracted towards firm ans also sustain.

THEME 8: Various measures which adopted through A One Communication

Q8) What are various measures which adopted through A One Communication in order to gain attention of individuals?


Introduce new products


Execute promotional techniques and tools


Execute innovative and new technology


Interpretation: Under this, there are many different measures which taken by A One Communication. According to 16 people that company should introduce new goods and services to gain attention of consumers. But there are 13 people which said that company should implement the effective promotional tools as well as techniques to attract large number of consumers.

THEME 9: Consumer attraction is better for preparing increasing organisational sales

Q9) Does consumer attraction is better for preparing increasing organisational sales and profitability?






Interpretation: Under this, there are 32 respondents which said that if consumers will be attracted towards firm then it will be helpful in enhancing sales as well as [profit level of company. But according to 8 respondents it is not necessary. Firm should adopt some of the other ways to maximise sales and also profit level.



Through this mentioned research, it has been concluded that companies which are wanted to achieve their objectives and services in a predetermined period of time are needed to digitalise their business. Every enterprise have different types of organisational activities as well as several kinds of initiatives which would help in generating high profitability and getting desired return on investment. In context with this, for developing good relations with customers and interact with them on regular basis, companies are used various channels of communications like mobile applications and social technologies. For this manner, to use such technologies in a proper way, employers are used to provide essential training and development programmes to employees. Giving training to staff members help employers in getting high skilled labour workforce which will aid them in achievement of business success in a limited period of time. This would help workers in learning new skills and enhance knowledge in new fields through which they can get opportunity for making their career more bright. This report has revealed that enterprises have regulated workers as per capabilities of them in performing various types of activities in desired manner. In addition to this, associations are also required to conduct different type of activities like market research in a proper way. This will assist them in analysing new trends of marketplace, demands and needs of customers as well as way through which they can provide services or products as per requirement. For this process, managers of a firm are used to formulate and develop various kinds of strategies and policies for enhancing profitability of business in an effective manner. Along with this, they also used to implement the same into workforce in an accurate way through which resistance of employees can be reduced. In this process, when companies used different ways for making connection with customers then it would help in improving brand image of business at market place. By making good interaction with consumers, aid managers in getting reviews, opinion and feedback of consumers in a proper way. This report also entails policies and procedures as well as action plan through which organisations can accomplish set target and objectives on time.


From this research study, it has observed that development of social media and mobile applications gives various benefits to companies operated at small and large scale of businesses. It has provided various ways for administration of a firm like A One Communication to settle on choosing best alternative and appropriate choice which would help in getting high return on investment. In order to develop good relationship with customers, it has recommended this enterprise to use mobile applications and social technologies. This would help in making good interaction with consumers as well as determining their needs as well. In addition to this, after getting feedback of customers, A One Communication needs to formulate appropriate plans, designs and structures so that desires of consumers can be completed as per their requirement. Adoption of social media application used in conveying messages to large number of people in a specified manner.

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Books & Journals

  • Bolton, R. N. and et. al., 2013. Understanding Generation Y and their use of social media: a review and research agenda. Journal of service management. 24(3). pp.245-267.
  • Chen, H., Chiang, R. H. and Storey, V. C., 2012. Business intelligence and analytics: from big data to big impact. MIS quarterly. pp.1165-1188.
  • Goggin, G., 2012. Cell phone culture: Mobile technology in everyday life. Routledge.
  • Hudson, S. and et. al., 2015. The effects of social media on emotions, brand relationship quality, and word of mouth: An empirical study of music festival attendees. Tourism Management. 47. pp.68-76.
  • Kim, A. J. and Ko, E., 2012. Do social media marketing activities enhance customer equity? An empirical study of luxury fashion brand. Journal of Business Research. 65(10). pp.1480-1486.
  • Kotler, P., 2015. Framework for marketing management. Pearson Education India.
  • Larivière, B. and et. al., 2013. Value fusion: The blending of consumer and firm value in the distinct context of mobile technologies and social media. Journal of Service Management. 24(3). pp.268-293.
  • Laudon, K. C. and Laudon, J. P., 2016. Management information system. Pearson Education India.
  • Malthouse, E. C. and et. al., 2013. Managing customer relationships in the social media era: Introducing the social CRM house. Journal of Interactive Marketing. 27(4). pp.270-280.
  • Rapp, A. and et. al., 2013. Understanding social media effects across seller, retailer, and consumer interactions. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. 41(5). pp.547-566.
  • Sashi, C. M., 2012. Customer engagement, buyer-seller relationships, and social media. Management decision. 50(2). pp.253-272.
  • Tiago, M.T.P.M.B. and Veríssimo, J. M. C., 2014. Digital marketing and social media: Why bother?. Business Horizons. 57(6). pp.703-708.
  • Tsimonis, G. and Dimitriadis, S., 2014. Brand strategies in social media. Marketing Intelligence & Planning. 32(3). pp.328-344.
  • Turban, E. and et. al., 2017. Electronic Commerce 2018: A Managerial and Social Networks Perspective. Springer.
  • Van Dijck, J., 2013. The culture of connectivity: A critical history of social media. Oxford University Press.
  • Wirtz, J. and et. al., 2013. Managing brands and customer engagement in online brand communities. Journal of Service Management. 24(3). pp.223-244.


Research Proposal Form

Student Name: ______________________ Student ID: ______________________

Centre Name: _____________________

Tutor: ________________ Date: ___________________

Unit: ____________________

Proposed Title: ______________________________________________

Section One: Title, objective, responsibilities


Title or working title of the research project (in the form of a question, objective or hypothesis)

“To evaluate significance of mobile applications and social media in developing better relationship with consumers at international level. A case study on A One Communication”.

Research objectives (e.g what is the question you want to answer? What do you want to learn how to do? What do you want to find out?):

Under this, there are some objectives which are mention below as above:

  • To determine advantages of mobile technology and social media.
  • To identify various measures which adopted through A One Communication in order to gain attention of individuals towards firm.
  • To articulate efficiency of consumer attraction for advantage of productivity and success of A One Communication.
  • To suggest different ways through which A One Communication can retain its competitive position in market.

Section Two: Reasons for choosing this research project

Reasons for choosing the project (e.g links to other subjects you are studying, personal interest, future plans, knowledge/skills you want to improve, why the topic is important):

The main reason behind selecting this project is to know about the effectiveness as well as importance of mobile application and different tools of social media in order to develop better relationship with customers at market place.


Section Three: Literature sources searched


Use of key literature sources to support your research question, objective or hypothesis:


Section Four: Activities and timescales


Activities to be carried out during the research project (e.g research, development and analysis of ideas, writing, data collection, numerical analysis, tutor meetings, production of final outcome, evaluation, writing the report):

Research development

Data collection

In evaluation

How long this will take:

5 to 7 days

10 to 15 days

5 to 10 days

Milestone one: _________________

Target date (set by tutor): ____________________

Milestone two: _______________________

Target date (set by tutor): ______________________


Section Five: Research approach and methodologies

What type of research approach and methodologies are you likely to use and why?

· In this investigation I use the qualitative research approach.

· The research design used in this current research is descriptive because it provides data and information in a detailed manner. Through this I can understand about this topic of investigation in a better manner.

What your areas of research will cover:

This investigation will cover the different aspects like for an instance data analysis as well as interpretation.

Comments and agreement from tutor


Comments (optional):

I confirm that the project is not work which has been or will be submitted for another qualification and is appropriate.

Agreed: ________________ (name)_______________ Date ______________


Comments and agreement form project proposal checker( IV sampling)


Comments (Optional):

I confirm that the project is appropriate: Agreed /Disagree

(Name of the IV)



Research Ethics approval form

All students conducting research activity that involves human participants or the use of data collected form human participants are required to gain ethical approval before commencing their research. Please answer all relevant questions and note that your form may be returned if incomplete.

For further support and guidance please see your respective Unit Tutor:

Before completing this form, we advise that you discuss your proposed research fully with your unit tutor. Please complete this form in good time before your research project is due to commence.

Section 1: Basic details:

Project title: “To evaluate significance of mobile applications and social media in developing better relationship with consumers at international level. A case study on A One Communication”.

Student name:

Student ID number:


College Name:

Intended research start date:

Intended research end date:

Section 2 Project summary

Please select all research methods that you plan to use as a part of your project:

  • Interviews:No
  • Questionnaires:Yes
  • Observations:No
  • Use of personal records:Yes
  • Data Analysis:Yes
  • Action Research:No
  • Focus Groups:No
  • Others (Please specify) :

Section 3: Participants

Please answer the following questions, giving full details where necessary.

Will your research involve human participants?

Who are the participants? Tick all that apply:

Ages 12-16

How will participants be recruited (identified an approached)?

I will select participants through sampling technique.

Describe the processes you will use to inform participants about what you are doing:

· Process to inform participants mention below:

Step 1: Contact them

Step 2: Approchment

Step 3: Sending message or mails

Step 4: Meeting

Step 5: Questionnaire

How will you obtain consent from participants? Will this be written? How will it be made clear to participants that they may withdraw consent to participate at any time?

I will obtain a consent from all the participants with written agreement. It can be in the form of emails and messages.

Studies involving questionnaires: will participants be given the option of omitting questions that do not wish to answer?


If no please explain why below and ensure that you cover any ethical issues arising from this

Studies involving observation: Confirm whether participants will be asked for their informed consent to be observed.


Will you debrief participants at the end of their participation (i.e give them a brief explanation of the study)?


Will participants be given information about the findings of your study?(This could be a brief summary of your findings in general)


Section 4: Data Storage and Security

Confirm that all personal data will be stored and processed in compliance with the Data Protection Act (1998)


Who will have access to the data and personal information?

Investigator and Current college both

During the research:

Where will the data be stored?

In software and system of my personal computer and also in its manual files.

Will mobile devices such as USB storage and laptops be used


If Yes, please provide further details:

After the research:

Where will the data be stored?

In software and system of my personal computer and also in its manual files.

How long will the data and records be kept for and in what format?

Almost for 1 to 2 years

Will data be kept for use by other researchers?


Section 5 : Ethical Issues

Are there any particular features of your proposed work, which may raise ethical concerns? If so, please outline how you will deal with these:

It is important that you demonstrate your awareness of potential risks that may arise because of your research. Please consider/address all issues that may apply. Ethical concerns may include, but are not limited to the following :

  • Sensitive topics
  • Risk to participants and /or researchers
  • Confidentiality/anonymity
  • Disclosures/ limits to confidentiality
  • Data storage and security, both during and after the research (including transfer, sharing, encryption, protection).
  • Dissemination and use of your findings.

Section 6: Declaration

I have read, understood and will abide by the institution’s Research and Ethics Policy:


I have discussed the ethical issues relating to my research with my Unit Tutor:


I confirm that to the best of my knowledge:

The above information is correct, and this is a full description of the ethical issues that may arise in the course of my research

Name: Date:

Please submit your completed form to your supervisor.

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