
Functions and Operations that has been Regulated in BBC

University: UK College of Business and Computing

  • Unit No: 11
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 20 / Words 4888
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: L/508/2289
  • Downloads: 2665
Organization Selected : BBC


Organisation behaviour consider several activities and tasks to ascertain systematic results in the business environment. In this regard, different functions and operations manage to operate significant advantages in the business. Culture, policies, etc. also involves in the environment that helps to make proper cooperation between different perspective (Goh, Ritchie and Wang, 2017). Present report based on the BBC, which determines independent review of shows that are taken on the basis of different activities. In this consideration, there are different functions and operations has been regulated to cope up with the staff managers and perform different activities as well. Furthermore, there are several issues take place because of harassment of junior members by senior managers. Higher authorities never consider proper attention towards them so that it create negative impact on the systematic results and outcomes.

For gaining insight information of the present report, it covers Handy's cultural model which help to signify different activities. Furthermore, it analysis impact of these elements on the business environment to consider different aspects in the business unit. In addition to this, report also describe different types of motivational techniques which helps to attain effectiveness among different team members. Main aim and goal of the enterprise is to consider impressive performance in BBC which consider in the report.



a) Handy's Cultural typology

In order to describe the effectiveness of team, it is essential to focus on the systematic work performance. In this regard, values, believe, etc. elements consider to focus on maintain positive results in the selected brand. This element not only enhances brand image also tale proper support in respect to retain skilled members in the business environment for longer time. In this regard, Charles Handy's model has been considered which consider as follows:

  • Power Culture: Power culture consider major aspects in which higher authorities of BBC construct power to make proper decisions at workplace. Lower staff need to follow that instructions which given by managers. As results, it will help to consider strict rules and regulations at workplace that are essentially adopted by all members of lower staff (Weng, Huang and Chang, 2015). Furthermore, power and position determines culture in the company to develop more effective functioning at workplace. In this regard, culture of people has been judge as per the achievement basis not as the contribution. As results, BBC consider power culture in their management. The organisation also provide instructions to lower staff members to complete their roles and responsibilities with follow such instructions. However, they have no right to say anything regarding business activities. This is because, higher authorities never listen to lower staff members.
  • Task Culture: It is another type of culture which consider by Handy's model. In this regard, the selected BBC consider form in the specific project. In addition to this, Task is most important element for all aspects to ascertain roles and responsibilities. It assists to enhance profitable and productivity as well. Therefore, each individual has power to share their outcomes in the systematic manner to ascertained several advantages and outcomes in systematic manner.
  • Person Culture: In this consideration, important culture develop with each person which consider authorities with unique manner. In this regard, organisation attain their effective functioning to attain goals and objectives. With the help of the above culture, effectiveness will consider in important concern (Goh, Ritchie and Wang, 2017).
  • Role Culture: Furthermore, role culture develop with ascertain systematic work performance at workplace. In this regard, different roles has been developed to make creativity. With the help of the roles, all person consider their part in systematic manner.

In respect to implement the BBC show, there are different roles has been implemented (Pradhan, Kumari and Kumar, 2017).

b) Culture, power and politics affected the behaviour

Culture, power and politics consist important part which creates impact on the working in the business environment. In earlier time, there are different aspects which consider BBC with culture in which people getting never chance to share views and ideas. With the help of instruction of higher authorities, proper attention consider towards employees and demand. In this aspect, upper level develops paying proper attention so that negative impact considers towards brand with thinking living their job soon. In addition to this, culture can be influence on the working and environment at workplace. In the great extent, motivational level of workers reduced with systematic results. In this way, performance and outcomes will be reduced when rules and regulations strictly implemented at workplace. This is because, manager implement their strict norms which need to maintain properly (Christina, Dainty and Waterson, 2014).

Recently, BBC consider their several changes in culture and people will get chance to perform their duties easily. As results, it will assist to focus on the desired results and outcomes in the systematic manner. Higher authorities conduct proper meetings with their staff members so that it will help to identify their requirements. It is the improve working culture in BBC which supports to retailed employees skills and maintain it for long term duration. Furthermore, power and politics are two important considerations which create impact on the behaviour of individual. It consider situation in which managerial level employees that are discriminated for other people. Politics increases discrimination in the business environment so that problem will be solved in proper way. In addition to this, senior provide proper attention to their favourite person which increases biasness among people. In order to provide proper reward to all team members, effectiveness will be develop continuously. In these condition, people also feeling de-motivating so that it reduced effectiveness and create negative impact on the working members. As results, they are failed to meet with the aims and objectives in systematic manner (Gabriel, Daniels and Greguras, 2015).

Recently, BBC considers their culture in systematic manner. They implement task culture which helps to the entire department to retain their staff members at workplace. For longer duration, it will assist to consider proper judgement on the basis of skills and working efficiency as well. It motivated other staff members to perform very well in the department and attain their desired results as well (Quinton, Myhill and Porter, 2015).

M1 Critically analysis culture, policies and power

As per the view of Weng, Huang and Chang, (2015), task culture is best to implement it in BBC because it helps to attain systematic results and outcomes for growing effective results. In this regard, culture, politics and power consider important aspect in the BBC. Therefore, it helps to focus on the different aspects which assist to develop proper understanding in the environment. In order to develop more creative results, it assists to maintain significant advantages at workplace. However, Pradhan, Kumari and Kumar, (2017) consider their views that power, politics and cultural aspects not create major role in the business environment to attain their desired results. This is because, it needed proper understanding towards the staff members performances. As results, it is important to maintain effectiveness to focus on the targets and attain more creative results in the business environment.


a) Content and process theories of motivation with motivational techniques

Content and process theory helps to create proper motivation and support to staff members and increase their effectiveness. In this regard, firm able to motivate their staff members in systematic manner to retained them at workplace (Gabriel, Daniels and Greguras, 2015). According to the situation, it can be stated that longer duration is the best aspect which consider in BBC for motivating staff members.

Content theory of motivation

It is the useful model which help to describe and fulfilling common needs of the each individual. Managers can also make changes in the perception of skilled people for the whole corporation in significant manner. In this regard, following motivational theory consider:

Maslow’s motivational theory

Human consider their five types of needs which fulfilled with working at BBC. In this regard, manager needs to support them with using these motivational techniques. As results, they are able to fulfil different needs such as physiological needs which include food, water, rest, etc. BBC needs to provide these facilities to maintain basic level requirements. In addition to this, safety, belongingness and love, self-esteem needs, self actualisation needs also consider after fulfilling of basic needs. Therefore, it is important to attain desired results will turn their mind and become positive for the chosen enterprise (Trybou, Gemmel and Annemans, 2014).

Herzberg theory of motivation

In respect to consider theory of two factors by Herzberg, it can be stated that they consider best parameter to maintain hygiene and motivation as well. These are important elements that help to focus on the different components consideration at workplace. In this way, pay scale, company policies, job security, interpersonal relations consider that help to maintain effectiveness at workplace. If these kinds of needs fulfilled by BBC then they will get proper support in the entity through encourage their members. Motivational factors are also consider components which play significant role in respect to make changes in the perception of each individual. Furthermore, recognition, growth, promotional techniques, etc. Implemented as main aspects. In respect to meet with these needs the company can easily satisfy their employees.

Process theory

Reinforcement theory

It is the most important aspect of motivational technique. In this regard, higher authorities consider their part to make changes in behaviour of each individual through punishment, extinction, etc. In this aspect, reward also implemented for person which assists to prevent this kind of behaviour at workplace. Continuously work will ascertained to focus on the systematic results which helps to attain more significant advantages. Managers at BBC need to make ensured that they consider their part in the business very well. As results, it will assists to cope up with the innovative functions and operations at workplace (Quinton, Myhill and Porter, 2015).

Goal setting theory

In order to implement this theory, motivation also considers goals setting to improve self efficiency of people through they are motivated. In this aspect, incentives also provided to increase effective performances at workplace. BBC also getting many benefits with consider advantages at workplace. Therefore, it is important to maintain effective results.

b) How improved level of motivation

Motivation level can be improved with using different methods. In this regard, it is essential to focus on the team working. This is because, team working efficiency consider overall development of the person in systematic manner. In the great extent it considers more profits and revenue at workplace. It is very important for the BBC to focus on the desired results. As results, they are able to communicate interest and their team members responsibilities in significant manner (Christina, Dainty and Waterson, 2014). Through motivate team members, BBC can easily increases their productivity so that all employees will easily perform their duties and tasks in the business environment. All employees are perform their duties in significant manner to increase desired level results at workplace. It develop production capacity and team members performances which take support in significant aspect. Impressive and efficient outcomes also develop to attain more profits and revenue.

Increasing motivation level consider several benefits for the team members because they are able to reduce absenteeism of their workers through motivate them. It will assists to look towards the innovative tools and techniques. In this regard, people are getting support which increases coordination among the team members to perform duty and tasks. As results, coordination also improving among team members in significant manner. Dissatisfaction of staff members also create negative impact on employees and they left job as well. Experience person can perform their duty in better manner to develop more coordination and outcomes. When BBC motivate their team members, then the staff get reduced to support the complete tasks that designed with budget and time as well. Hence, motivated people will be work in creative manner and contribute major part and efforts to attain more creative results at workplace.

M2 How to build effective results with motivation

In order to maintain effectiveness in team, there are several methods exist that helps to attain more effective desired results. It is the best way to focus on the innovative functions and operations which assists to increase level of motivation in the systematic manner. With the help of proper incentive program, proper pay scale, bonuses, etc. Enterprise build significant advantages to motivate their staff members easily. Hence, they can maintain satisfaction level of them at workplace. It helps to build effective results at BBC and create healthy culture as well. It helps to encourage staff members to create awareness program to attain objectives and goals as well (Trybou, Gemmel and Annemans, 2014).

D1 Evaluate relationship between culture, politics, power and motivation

Culture, politics and power consider effective relationship at workplace. This is because, it assists to develop significant results and motivate with performed duty as well. Therefore, monetary benefits assists to consider several advantages which helps to maintain loyalty as well. BBC create healthy culture so that it impact positive to maintain relationship in the environment. It will helps to maintain profitability and effectiveness at workplace in systematic manner.



a) Different types of teams and its importance

In order to implement approach of team working, it create more effective results task need to complete on time. In this way, different people share their efforts to maintain effectiveness in the business so that it would be beneficial to attain creativity and focus on the goals and objectives. There are different types of teams working together in BBC. They are as follows:

Problem solving team

With the help of the team, desired results could be attained. In addition to this, team also signify their efforts to attain create effective results. In this regard, team development activities also consider to solve issues and problem as per the business development (Pradhan, Kumari and Kumar, 2017). They are also develop their effectiveness with working in team to attain more experienced. People work together to resolve their issues and conflicts with identifying smooth functioning tools. In addition to this, conflicts also resolved through maintain operations in systematic manner. Hence, it will develop more creative operations in BBC to create various perspective. It helps to minimise the errors and increase efficiency level of the performances in systematic manner. Therefore, it is the best way to attain more significant advantages at workplace (Goh, Ritchie and Wang, 2017).

Virtual team

Virtual team is a group of people who work for same activities and tasks at different location. They maintain their coordination with using internet tools. With the help of collaboration of technologies, they are able to deliver effective results at workplace. Social networking sites is the most important and common aspect that helps to develop team performances. With the help of effective coordination, group members expanding their operations across the different areas of the world with consider new entrance (De Vasconcelos and Kimble, 2016).

b) How to make effective team in BBC

Team performances play very important role in systematic consideration. In this regard, there are several ways through motivation level will be increasing. It is the best aspect which assists to BBC to attain effective functioning (Rosenow-Williams, 2014). With the help of Tuckman model, effectiveness of team in BBC develops. They are as follows:

Forming: It is the main stage in which employees consider their knowledge about their roles and responsibilities. They are dependent on managers to get proper direction and attain creative results as well. As per the direction, they are playing role in the business environment. They are unaware about their duties and roles (Weng, Huang and Chang, 2015). Leaders help to complete the direction and make them aware towards the business environment. Individual make efforts to accomplish desired results. Furthermore, it can be stated that employees are not properly know about the changes and development of business to make effective results. Members behave each other very politely so that systematic work performances will be ascertained in systematic manner. Key role of the leader is to manage all the members in whole group so that needs and requirement of their will be consider in systematic manner. After allotting task and duties, each person in a group know their roles and responsibilities (Mahembe, Engelbrecht and Kandekande, 2015).

Storming: It is the second stage in which conflict could be arises. Hence, leaders make their part to solve those conflicts through organising and solving disputes. Each member in a in a group have different perception, thinking, motivation, etc. As per their roles and responsibilities, they need to consider work in the environment (Christina, Dainty and Waterson, 2014). As results, it will help to focus on the desired results which need to attain with creative consideration. In this regard, leaders are play significant role to solve conflicts and provide proper responsibilities as well. Strategies also find which assists to solve conflicts among the members in systematic manner.

Norming: Disputes are also consider in the systematic manner which assists to solve among the team members (Trybou, Gemmel and Annemans, 2014). With the help of proper communication and work together, relationship will be maintained and positive results as well. Therefore, task oriented activities considered in systematic manner at workplace. They all are trying to help each other and appreciate other tasks that are carried to focus on the work together. Therefore, effectiveness will be developing in systematic manner. In addition to this, they are also trying and take decisions in a group to work together to solve problems and work in systematic manner (Quinton, Myhill and Porter, 2015).

Performing: It is the last stage in which group development activities helps to work on the desired results and attain significant advantages at workplace. In this way, it is important to fulfil roles and responsibilities among the group members with sharing to satisfied them. In respect to this, regulations, objectives, responsibilities, etc. elements implemented to start group performances. As results, they are able to solve problems in systematic manner (Grobler and Du Plessis, 2016).

M3 How to make effective group

In respect to work in a group, there are several models exist that could be implemented. In this regard, Tuckman stages are most important consideration that helps to attain more creative results at workplace. It will assists to work in a group through share roles and responsibilities with different members. In addition to this, they are also develop group performances to focus on the outcomes that are undertaken as per aims and objectives (Pepper, 2016).


a) Organisational concept and theory

In order to build team, it is important to concentrate on the business goals and objectives. Every individual need to work in significant manner and ascertain more profits as well. Application of the different theories depend on the traits of people (Talati and Griffin, 2014). Business need to assess norms and policies regulated in a business so that theories could be applied in systematic manner. Following are different theory could be ascertained at workplace:

Path goal theory: It is the most important theory which helps to leaders and members in a whole group. In this regard, leaders provide proper guidance and training to workers so that their efficiency will be enhances in systematic manner (Reb and Atkins, 2015). Different training and development program assists to organised business activities as per increasing skills and abilities. At different strages this can be consider in following manner:

  • Directive: It is the leadership style in which leader provides proper guidance and task oriented. They can consider roles and responsibilities among employees so that efficient and effective results will be attained at workplace (Burrell and Morgan, 2017).
  • Supportive: In this aspect, leaders try to ascertain proper relationship among team members. They create friendly environment so that effective communication and coordination maintained. In BBC, leaders not behave effectively and properly in a team so that it impact negative.
  • Participative: As per this style, authority and responsibility delegate to the members to attain more desired results. This is because, leaders thinks that employees have efficiency and effective working to take the decisions (Paull and Whitsed, 2018). They can believe on employees to take decisions on their own behalf. Participative style in the decision making consider effective results in a group.
  • Achievement: In this aspect, leaders share their opportunities in a team members so that effectiveness will be develop in systematic manner. As a leader, they consider proper guidance all the members for their achievements (Shore and Wright, 2015).

b) Barriers to effective performance

In order to work in a group, there are different barriers exist that create negative impact on the desired results in systematic manner. With this consideration, it is important to solve this issues so that BBC able to develop their understanding in creative manner. Barriers are explained under here:

Time management: Time management is major issue and barrier in the group. This is because, there are different activities and tasks has been performed which create negative impact on the outcomes. When workers delayed, manager got angry on them. Therefore, it is important to concentrate on proper time with each activity that assists to attain desired results at workplace. With the help of these consideration, aims and objectives will be attain in creative manner (Pan, Jacobs and Askool, 2018).

Disputes due to defences in people characteristics: Furthermore, in BBC there are several people work together who have different characteristics. Therefore, it create negative impact on the desired outcomes to develop more significant results at workplace. In this way, it is essential to maintain same activities and functions among all members. This is because, different members have different thinking, perception, etc. Therefore, it create major impact to attain creative results at workplace. It impact negative on the employees so that they are not contribute their efforts to make creative results at workplace. Productivity and efficiency of the business also reduced (Gabriel, Daniels and Greguras, 2015).

Rules and regulations: In addition to this, BBC considers tough rules and regulations which also create major impact on the results. This is because, different rules and norms ascertain negative consideration on the business which need to solve with implement desired activities at workplace. Therefore, barriers are need to solve in creative manner which helps to perform several tasks and duty in proper consideration (Beddoe, 2015).

M4 Team and group development theories

In respect to work in a team, there Tuckman development model has been implemented to develop creative results in the business. With the help of this model, effectiveness will be develop in successful way so that targets and goals will be accomplish in systematic manner. In addition to this, there are different task and duty also performed which helps to increase business productivity and attain more significant results at workplace (Taylor, 2018).

D2 Relevance of team

Without team, business unable to consider their roles and responsibilities. This is because, all members in group put their efforts to attain desired results of the company. It will assists to ascertain several advantages at workplace which would helps to maintain effectiveness and consider several operations as well. This is because, team consider several efforts to attain desired goals and objectives at workplace (Christina, Dainty and Waterson, 2014).


From the above report, it can be concluded that organisation behaviour consider important role in the business success. This is because, it helps to develop more significant advantages that are undertaken on the basis of roles and responsibilities of different members. In this way, present report based on BBC which consider their several activities and tasks to develop profits and revenue in systematic manner. Furthermore, report summarised about the team development through concentrate on the creativity and attain more significant results as well. It will assists to focus on the team performances which helps to maintain effectiveness at workplace. There are different motivational theories has been explained that assists to focus on the creative results and outcomes in systematic manner. At last, there are certain barriers has been explained that create negative impact on the desired results to attain more systematic consideration at workplace.

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Books and Journals

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