
Apple SWOT Analysis That Will Reveal the Truth

22 Apr 2022 1855
Fascinating Apple SWOT Analysis

Apple SWOT Analysis: Everything That You Need to Know

Apple vs Android is a fight that has been here for longer than anyone can remember. The owners of the respective products claim theirs to be better. And this stiff appears to have outlasted any other fight in human history. That is because neither of the two contenders is ready to accept defeat. In that very same spirit, we cannot offer the answer but the next best thing, i.e., apple swot analysis to find out whether or not the iPhone users’ claims have any standing.

So, Android and iPhone users, walk with us through this blog to get the crux of Apple Inc.

What Is Swot Analysis?

Swot analysis is more than what it gets credit for. It has four components, namely,

  • Strengths
  • Weaknesses
  • Opportunities
  • Threats

All of these combined are a powerful tool to understand the internal and external factors that affect a company.


It has the power to access current and future strategies. Analysts use it to curate the policies and development plans for the company. It is designed to help you find realistic, holistic, and fact-based information in the concerned industry. It also helps in clearing out some preconceived notions and false narratives about the company.


It is where the USPs of the company are targeted. What makes the company unique? What are the areas where the company excels? What makes the company better than others? Why are customers loyal to the company? What does it offer to customers?

  • Strong brand
  • Loyal clients
  • Unique technology
  • Strong balance sheets


This is a thorough and deep look into the areas where the company is lacking. It helps in figuring out what the company can do better in the future. It helps in making future paths for the company. It is crucial to do statistical market research. Let’s consider client requirements and needs:

  • Weak brand
  • Lack of capital
  • Poor or average turnover
  • Weak supply chain


This comes into play to provide the company with a chance for growth by providing insight into external market research. This aim is to find out what is going to be in style and how the company can utilise that trend to its maximum benefit.

  • Social patterns
  • Population profiles


These simply refer to the current or any upcoming threats to the company. If not keep an eye out for them, a company can incur serious losses and at times face bankruptcy.

  • Bad debt
  • cash-flow problems

Facts Check: Apple at a Glance

Company Name

Apple Inc.

Previous Name

Apple Computer Company


Tim Cook

Year founded



Cupertino, California, USA

Employees (FY2020)


Market Cap (Jan, 2022)

$2.83 Trillion

Annual Revenue (FY2021)

$ 365.81 Billion

Profit | Net income (FY2021)

$ 94.68 Billion

    • Apple was actually founded on the April Fools Day. Cannot believe it? The date was 01/04/1976. Its actually a funny fact that any Apple Inc. lover should know.
    • Apple’s original logo featured Sir Issac Newton sitting under an Apple tree. It was designed by Ronald Wayne.
    • Would you not love to show offyour branded apple dress or a sneaker? Off course you would. That could have been a possibility today. But the clothing line launched by the company in the year 1986 was not as successful as the other ventures. So unfortunately it was called off.
    • In the year 1997,when the company was on the verge of bankruptcy it’s fierce competitor invested $150 million in Apple. Can you guess the name of this competitor? It was Microsoft.
    • Apple is very strict about its privacy policies and everyone knows this. But there was once an incident that the company denied the FBI itself from opening a terrorist’s phone citing brand’s privacy policy. That’s one way to go about privacy.
    • Apple is known for the premium and A-grade security as well as safety features of its devices. Here is an interesting fact about the Apple Mac Book Pro, it is capable of stopping a point 22 Cal and a 9mm handgun. evolution_of_apple_logo.webp

    How to Begin an Apple SWOT Analysis?


    A Complete Apple SWOT Analysis!

    In terms of beginning any new document, one should always keep in mind that it is better to ask questions. Put up as many questions as you can because these questions will decide how good or bad your document will turn out to be. The more queries you raise, the clearer you will get about the topic and theme of your document. So asking questions is a good thing.

    In case of Apple SWOT analysis, there are certain specific types of questions that need to be targeted in order to achieve the maximum clarity on the company and direction of your analysis. If you do not have any clue about what questions to put up, then look at the below mentioned list. You can use them as they are or get an idea to frame your own section of questions. These questions should strategically align with the following two things: the Apple business model and the Apple marketing strategy. If these two bases were covered in your SWOT analysis Apple would definitely be the best. Here, you get a better understanding of Apple SWOT analysis which is part of Apple case study.

    Here is the complete swot analysis of Apple with the use of the above mentioned questions. Get a thorough look at this section to understand its working and application.


    S - Strengths

    When one talks about strengths, the obvious thought is of power and domination over someone or something. When the scenario is like this one, where the strengths are to be measured of a company, the meaning of this word changes a bit. Strength for Apple Inc symbolizes:

    1. Brand Value

    It is such a strong suit of the company; it has been ranked number one for a consecutive nine years. It is the world's most recognised and celebrated brand due to its innervation, with a brand value of $408 billion. Customers are beyond satisfied with the high quality, premium flagship devices that the company offers.

    1. Innovative Products

    Apple’s innovation techniques are out of this world. It is in the process of launching a product, and then, with the help of consumer feedback, it keeps on upgrading the device. This results in revolutionary innovations.

    1. Extensive Ranges of Products

    The company has a separate customer base for the luxurious iPhones. But there are several other products that the company offers, like Macs, iPods, iPads, Apple Watch, Apple TV, software, electric vehicles, and Apple Energy. All of these will help the company earn profits. All these products are a stable stream of revenue for the company.

    1. Design & Technology

    The brand is famous for bringing in the best designs in the industry. The product designs are to die for. Beyond sophistication and elegance, the devices have stellar mechanisms and maximum performance.

    1. Marketing Strategy

    They are the kings of advertising. Before the launch of any of their products, there is so much hype built around them that they are the talk of the town. And then the product drops, and due to its high end services, it gets the added word of mouth publicity too.

    1. Seasoned Professionals

    Apple has an exhaustive list of experts on its team. They are the best in the world. Their team includes developers, researchers, analysts, etc. With such an overpowering team, the company can create and achieve the impossible.

    W - Weaknesses

    However good a certain product, person, or thing may be, there ought to be a drawback. Because if that is not the case, it will leave no room for growth and improvement. Apple Inc. is not immune from weaknesses either. This section focuses on these drawbacks.

    1. Extravagant Prices

    The price of Apple products has always been an issue. They surely do deliver on the quality end, but on the pricing end, it is not for everyone. This point leads to excluding an entire range of customers from becoming an open market for the company.

    1. Discordance with Other Software

    The most constant backlash that the company receives is over its product incompatibility with third party software. Before buying an Apple phone, customers have to decide on the fact that once they enter the Apple universe, there is no going back. And this surely affects the company.

    1. Venturing into New Area’s

    Apple is getting into fields like video content streaming, game streaming, payment services, etc. These areas are incompetent zones for the company. It is new to these fields and has tough competition from already established players.

    1. Unfair Trade PracticesPatent Infringements

    There have been recent developments in the rumours about Apple employing unfair trade practices. On top of that, there are the patent infringement allegations. This company has to find its way back towards a clearer image through this storm.

    O- Opportunities

    1. Loyal Customer Base

    The company enjoys undying support and loyalty from its customer base. This loyalty is replicated into the other brand products like, Mac, iPad, Apple Music, Apple Pay, etc. The brand has been constantly growing in terms of consumers. The customer retention percentage for Apple is a solid 92 %.

    1. Wearable Technology

    Apple has a whole lot of opportunities in the field of wearable technology, Forbes predicted that sales of wearable smart technology will triple by next year. Apple started out with the Apple Watch and Air Pods, but has the capacity to go far beyond them.

    1. Distribution Network

    There is so much potential for growth in the field of network distribution for Apple. Its current network is small and has minimal opportunities. But with expansion, it can generate a never ending stream of revenue.

    1. Tapping into AI

    Artificial intelligence is a field that has a lot of scope. Apple has recently expanded its AI base. This has opened up so many opportunities for the company. It has acquired Regaind and DeskConnect, both of which are companies from the AI field. The former is a business specialising in artificial intelligence and the latter is a tool for utilising AI.

    1. Self-Driving Software Technology

    Apple has the opportunity to get into the field of developing software for self-driving cars. Currently, Tesla is ruling that world with its own software. Apple can focus only on delivering software for driver-less cars instead of building one. Apple has partnered with Kia Motors for the production of such cars.

    T - Threats

    1. Increase in Competition

    There has been a constant rise in the number of competitors for the company. Even after being a top-notch product, it still has stiff competition from brands like: Samsung, Dell, ASUS, Nokia, etc. This has been possible due to the overall advancements in technology.

    1. Counterfeits

    Apple is really struggling to deal with the emergence of fake and counterfeit products. Third world countries are illegally utilising the brand image. There has been a surge in bad publicity due to this.

    1. Lawsuits

    Apple is currently knee deep in lawsuits. It has 60 or more class action suits filed against it. This was a result of the company’s deceleration, where it mentioned that it deliberately messes up CPU performance with old iPhone models and degraded batteries. 

    1. Supply Chain Disruption

    The recent Corona outbreak has grossly affected the supply chain. These uncertainties led it to announce flat sales for the financial year 2020.

    1. Backdoor Protocol

    Various government agencies have constantly been pressuring Apple to unlock its iPhones using a backdoor. This means decrypting the phone to get access to its content. The company has been dealing with such requests on and off.

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    Got More Questions Related to Apple SWOT Analysis? Ask Away

    There is just a thin line between being successful and being about to be successful. And that is what gets companies made or destroyed. But who decides it? And most importantly, how is it decided? What are the standards to measure this growth? How will a company get knowledge of any such discussion. And the answer to all these questions is business analysis. They are the best ways to find out the current as well as the future position of a company. To name a few of them :

    • SWOT analysis
    • PESTLE analysis
    • MOST analysis
    • BPM analysis

    And many more. This also makes it so easy for students to do their economics or business assignments regarding the companies. And if they get stuck with any of it, they should seek the assistance of the leading academic writing company, Assignment Prime. They have so many services to offer students in order to make their lives easier. One of them is providing students with a complete swot analysis of Apple. They have a team of experts who are dedicated to delivering only the best results for students.

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