CHCDIV001 Work With Diverse People: How to Ace the Assessment Answers?
08 May 2021 6702
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In the modern-day globalized world, diversity is a hot topic of discussion. As people are moving from place to place, you will see the diversity of people all around you. In a workplace, this plays a very important role, and managers and employees are needed to have good knowledge of diversity to work peacefully in such an environment. Keeping this in mind, the Australian government has designed the CHCDIV001 work with diverse people course. The course is delivered in health care, where diversity plays a major role in everyday operations. CHCDIV001 assessment answers are, therefore, in high demand as nurses and community health care workers are generally the people who pursue the course. And since they have a hectic work schedule, they need assistance to learn about how to tackle the course questions effectively. If you are a student who is pursuing the course or are planning to pursue it, you should read this write-up till the end. It explains in detail everything about the course and how to answer the questions. But before you attempt to solve the questions, take some time to understand the essence of the certification course. This will give you clarity and direction. So let’s explore the course in brief.
CHCDIV001 Work With Diverse People Answers: All About the Course
As you can make out from the course name, CHCDIV001 Work With Diverse People is a course that is focused on accommodating the varied needs of diverse people in an organization. It takes around 40 hours of learning to complete the course, and you can apply for the same online. The course is specially taken up by nurses and healthcare workers as in their profession, tending to such needs is crucial. It develops in students the skills and knowledge required to respectfully deal with people from varied social and cultural groups, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. To write effective CHCDIV001 answers you need to have a good understanding of the concepts and objectives of the course. To make the objectives clearer to you, listed below are some outcomes expected from the course.
Course outcomes:
- Reflect on Own Biases: The course incites a student to identify and reflect on their own social and cultural perspectives and biases.
- Improving Self-awareness: The course aims to produce individuals who keep an open mind about diversity. It encourages one to keep improving their self-awareness, as well as social awareness.
- Effective Communication: Communication barriers are common when you are engaging with people of diverse communities. The course teaches students the tactics to overcome these barriers and communicate with people of diverse backgrounds in the best way possible.
- Resolving Differences: Issues are bound to arise due to cultural differences in the workplace. The course trains students on how to effectively resolve these issues sensitively, keeping in mind the diversity considerations.
These are the key aims of the course, and your CHCDIV001 work with diverse people answers should demonstrate such values and learning's to score well. Now that you have a brief understanding of the course, let us explore in detail what you should focus on while answering the assessment questions.
What Are the Key Areas of CHCDIV001 Assessment?
The Assessment of CHCDIV001 can be a little tough to ace as it is a theoretical subject, and therefore, there is no fixed path to arrive at a perfect answer. Students need to gain a deep understanding of diversity and related topics so they can effectively demonstrate the learning outcomes mentioned in the previous section. However, it is not that tough once you understand the key areas evaluators look for in the answers. This gives students some clarity and direction to approach the questions. Here are the key CHCDIV001 assessment points you need to pay attention to:
The Meaning of Diversity
First and foremost, a student should demonstrate through their answers that they have a clear understanding of the term diversity. Several questions will ask you to define diversity in your own words, so pay attention to understanding the term.
Treating All Communities Equally
The course is all about bringing people to level ground and mitigating differences. Many questions will present a scenario where you would be dealing with people of two or more different communities. What the evaluators are essentially trying to find is if you would treat them equally or showcase some bias.
Tending to Marginalized Groups
Even within diverse groups, some groups need extra attention as they are marginalized. This will pose unique challenges which the student is expected to strategically deal with. In your CHCDIV001 work with diverse people answers, explain in detail what additional measure you would take when dealing with such groups.
Verbal and Non-verbal Communication
Communication, as mentioned before, is a key outcome expected out of the course. The questions will test your verbal and non-verbal communication skills when dealing with diverse individuals.
Conflict Resolution Considering Both Parties
Conflict resolution is the theme of most questions, and this is where your people management skills will be tested. Not only are you supposed to tend to the needs of the patient here, but also the needs of the medical team.
Dealing with Breach of Framework
There will be cases where you will be presented with situations where a breach of the framework takes place. In CHCDIV001 answers, you need to provide strategies in your on how you would deal with it.
Promoting Awareness
Just passively dealing with diversity on your own isn’t effective. If your question case presents an opportunity for you to educate others, you must spread the awareness. Not only is awareness related to others but yourself as well. Showcase how you would keep improving your awareness.
These are some key points that will help you identify the area the question is stressing on. Let us move on to understand how to write effective answers for the different types of CHCDIV001 Assessments.
How to Write Efficient CHCDIV001 Assessment Answers?
From understanding the key points evaluators look for in the assessment answers, you would be able to understand the demands of the questions, which is key in answering them rightly. But there are various kinds of assessments in the course, and they all are focused on testing one or more of these areas. Let us understand by category, how to write an effective answer:
Assessment 1- Theoretical Problems
The first assessment of the course focuses on testing your knowledge of the subject and the demand of the different cultures. While addressing such questions, you will be required to give your personal opinions. And to give an informed opinion, you need to have a good understanding of the intricacies of diversity. Most questions asked in this section are about the following:
- Approaches you would personally take to understand people of different
- Non-judgemental practices
- Recognizing someone’s need through their background
- Regulating behaviour to not offend people in the workplace
To provide good CHCDIV001 assessment answers to these, you need to think critically. Take your time to analyse the question and go through the basic concepts to arrive at a solution. You will be giving your personal opinion here, so try to be creative.
Assessment 2- Research Paper
After a student has effectively passed the first assessment, they are now equipped to go into detail about the subject. The second assessment is all about in-depth knowledge of a specific area. Students are required to pick a topic or community and research extensively on them to gain a comprehensive understanding. They are then required to present their findings in a structured manner in the form of a research paper. Here are the key things you are expected to study in your research:
- Social aspect of the community
- Economical aspect of the community
- Influence of political aspect on the community
- Cultural differences
Once you study these areas, you will be better aware of the specific community you picked. While dealing with the research paper assessment, you need to focus on finding adequate information and then providing the understanding of concepts clearly through CHCDIV001 work with diverse people answers.
Assessment 3- Decision making
After having successfully completed the previous assessment, you are now ready to be trained to face practical scenarios. This section is all about your problem-solving skills. You will be presented with several cases where you would have to think critically and practically. Many of the cases will be true scenarios that healthcare workers have faced in their routine life. Here it is being evaluated whether you can apply the concepts in a working environment or not. While writing CHCDIV001 answers for this assessment, try to recheck if your solution will work practically or not. A good answer will showcase the main concepts and will also address the practicality.
These are the three assessments that you will be facing in the certification course. Approach each of them according to the needs specified above. If you are still confused about how to write answers, then you might find the next section helpful.
Find CHCDIV001 Assessment Tricky? We Can Help You Out!
Simply learning about how to approach CHCDIV001 assessment might not ensure that you will be able to tackle them effectively. Many students struggle a lot with writing good answers, and their last resort is to look for tricks and tips on the internet, but this only confuses them more. Worry not; you don’t have to feel hopeless because the writers at Assignment Prime are here to help you with assignment help. Our subject-oriented writers are well equipped to write in any kind of specialized discipline. You might find yourself running out of solutions, but our writers never do as they are experienced in writing answers for students. Still, wondering whether to trust your CHCDIV001 Assessment Answers with them or not? Here are some features that we provide to erase every doubt from your mind:
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