
7 Things to Go Through Just Before the Christmas

24 Dec 2016 5033

A famous American film star and singer has said, “Christmas, my child, is love in action. Every time we love, every time we give, it's Christmas.” Christmas is a time to celebrate. As we get ready for the grand day, let’s quickly have a look at the final to-dos just before the Christmas. Go through the list to check if you have missed out on anything important:

1. The Christmas Cake:

The day is never complete without a yummy cake. If you plan to bake it at home, see that you have already got all the required ingredients. Do not leave anything for the last moment. It can be a day spoiler. On the other hand, if you gonna order it from a store, confirm your order a day before.

2. The Christmas Tree:

Start decorating the Christmas tree as it is the main attraction of the day. Keep all the things that you would need for decorations at one place to enjoy a hassle-free Christmas.

3. The Christmas Decorations:

Sparkling decorations provide the Christmas day its real grandeur. By now, you must be done with your shopping. Last minute shopping will create confusions and also, you’ll have to compromise with your choices. Check the electrical connections as you would need them for the lighting decorations.

4. The Music:

Create a Christmas play list in advance, so that you get to listen uninterrupted music while enjoying the Christmas party. Make a copy of the same in some other device as an alternative in case of any mishap. Do not forget to ensure that the music system is working properly.

5. The Menu:

Discuss with your family and finalize the menu for the gala night beforehand. Last minute editions can ruin the festive dinner. Plan your dinner menu based on the nature of the guests you are expecting.

6. The Presents:

As you start wrapping the gifts, remember to remove the price tags and check that they are not damaged or broken. Write the recipient’s name carefully so that the gifts do not get interchanged.

7. The Clothes:

Confirm twice that the clothes you will be wearing on the Christmas day are in place. Do not depend on online shopping as it can cause delays. It’s better you go out and shop for yourself personally to ensure a proper fit, if you haven’t done it so far.

Make the most of the Christmas day by gearing up your preparations. Save the celebrations for the Great Day!

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