
Scope of Effective Project Management for Achieving the Goals

University: University of Chester

  • Unit No: 5
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 16 / Words 3893
  • Paper Type: Assignment
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Project management is the term which derived as systematic working of planning, organising, motivating and controlling the resources in terms to achieve the specific goals. The main aim is to meet the well defined things to meet the unique goals and objectives. The main aim of project management is to take initiatives steps in terms to planning, developing, executing and controlling the whole schedule of project so that one particular aim can be achieved. In this term it can be said that effective scope management is one of the factor which assists in terms to determining the success of project (Hallowell and Wehle, 2013). The present report has covered the various activities as are work breakdown structure, Gantt chart, risk analysis, work flow chart and network diagram.


1.1 Define the various key characteristics of project.

The project management plan is one of the important task it is need to be drawn effectively so that effective key components will be helpful to achieve the desire task. With help of this individual are able to achieve its business and non-business objectives. In order to make the whole process effective it is essential to implement the changes. There are various key characteristics of project as are-

  1. Temporary-In this term it can be said that each key characteristics of project is that each is having the one finite start and end. The initial level is that when all key objectives of project has framed. The end is the point when all kind of goals has been achieved.
  2. Unique deliverable-In this the project aims to produce some deliverable. It can be product, service and another kind of results (De Bakker, Boonstra and Wortmann, 2010). It is need to be focussed at the time of addressing the problem and analysed before project initiates.
  3. Transparency-It is one of the feature which defines as that it is need to be taken into consideration and it is useful to firm in order to have increment in the operational ability of an enterprise. It is one of the essential characteristic which works as to have improvement in trust of employees and customers.
  4. Communication- In this it can be said that effective project is need to be communicated well in the enterprise. It will be assistive in terms to better adoption of measures, policies, drafting of plan and managing the operations so that all things can be defined effectively.
  5. Problem solving-It is the project which involves certain risk, issues and this all are need to be managed and handled well. It is very helpful in terms to have improvement in efficiency.
  6. Organisation-The activities which has been associated with the assignments will be useful in terms to handle the activities of an enterprise.

1.2 Description on the scope statement for a project? Roles which does works as to frame work breakdown structure.

The scope statement is detailed document and it is inclusive of activities which is need to be produced at the time of handling of the operations. This function is inclusive of various activities and this all need to be involved in development process of project.

Thus, the work breakdown structure is one of the systematic framework and it will assist as to give proper deadline to each task by planning so that one particular aim can be achieved (Bredillet, Yatim and Ruiz, 2010). It is kind of deliverable oriented breakdown of one particular assignments and it is need to be divided into smaller things. In other words, it can be stated as that it works as to organizes team into differed manageable sections.

1.3 Draw Gantt chart and identify the critical path with duration of project.






5 days



4 days



2 days



3 days



5 days



7 days

From the above given chart it can be concluded that the whole project management activities will take 26 days to have desired objectives.

1.4 Description on the kinds of the approaches exist in terms to generating the budget.

There are number of approaches which are need to be considered by the enterprise so that there can be effectively handling of business activities. It is very useful in order to give rise to actions and activities which will works as to suitable increment in actions and activities. Thus, the differed techniques of cost estimations as are-

  1. Top down approach-In this there are uses of actual work and cost estimation without having the use of any matrix. With the help of having the use of historical data there is need to have the use of effective operation of the all management it will be helpful in terms to project reports, creating effective financial statements and purchasing of the history. This kind of process will help as evaluate the proper outcomes of each task.
  2. Rule of thumb-It is the kind of matrix which works as to do simplifications of data and it will work as to impacting over all kind of operational activities.
  3. Analogous-In this, analogous tool is useful in terms to estimate the cost of new project. If the two projects are similar in nature than these techniques can be used. It is the approach which will be used by the less experienced managers of projects (Artto and, 2011).
  4. Bottom up-It is one of the effective consideration of the individual in terms to be the part of projects. Under this, expenses are need to be planned and analysed effectively. Under this. List of the resources are need to be drafted.

1.5 Description on how risk in the project arise? Outline the responses to risk.

In this term it can be said that the project risk will be arise due to the things as are employee dissatisfaction, financial crisis and issues in technical field. This all required to be mitigated in terms to handling of project report properly. Further, risk can be defined as uncertainty of the particular outcome. The goals and objectives will be accomplished by planning of the activities in reasonable manner. In this term, there are differed kinds of risk as are-

Poor leadership- It is need to be managed by the enterprise in terms to accessing leaders and replacing them. This all process is need to be efficient.

Technical issues- In this all the issues are need to be rectified with the help of proper managerial activities by considering the technical factors of business enterprise (Caniëls and Bakens, 2012).

Staff problems- The human resource of enterprise is need to take the initiatives in terms to manage the proper communication and negotiation.

Cost risk- Under this, the escalation in the cost of project due to the poor cost estimates the accuracy and scope creep.

Schedule risk- under this risk, the activities will take longer time as compare to any other risk. It is need to be framed in the effective manner.

Performance risk- it is the kid of risk in which project works as to produce effective result in terms to particular specification of projects.

Legal risk- It is going to be arsed with the various legal obligations as are contract risk and litigation etc.

Operation risk- It is inclusive of things as poor execution of planning and process as production, distribution of work etc. It is need to be effective.

1.6 Define the methods of quality in terms to introduce and ensures the project that is completed successfully.

There are some methods in terms to maintain the quality of project. It is defined in the following manner as are-

Project evaluation & plan – In this plan, do, check act is one of cycle and it works fundamentally in terms to achieve the quality of project. The project plan is need to be achieved and it is need to understand that hoe project managers need to take the initiatives in terms to manage standards of quality.

Monitoring- in this, manager need to regularly review the process of the project. By doing this simple issues can be fixed up.

Control- It is essential to control the gap which has shown between the actual and planned procedure.


Hereby it can be concluded that Task 1 has focussed on the activities as are benefits and limitation of planning of project, effective measures, implementation and control procedures are need to be considered. It has also covered the activities as are characteristics, scope and process of planning.


2.0 Executive summary

In the given scenario John is need to be approached senior project management that he is interested in the role of project manager at the time of acquisition. Being the project manager of the firm it can be stated that at the of implementation of project and it is need to understand that they are having number of task and responsibilities to accomplish. ABC company thinks to awarding the project management functions with the external consultants because he has done with the prior acquisition. He is the management who has the responsibility as planning, designing, executing, organizing and monitoring the closure of projects. In addition to this, it is the responsibility of project manager to make the decision on the basis of both the small and larger term. Under this, they need to understand the objectives and situation of project so that it will be helpful in terms to have the creation of systematic planning. In this, to achieve the objectives of project successfully it is essential for John to put consideration over several roles and responsibilities.

2.1 Introduction

The main aim of this task is to draw project management plan in terms to have successful acquisition of ABC PLC to DLF ltd. In this, to maintain the quality in the food and drinks is the major issue. The project management task will be inclusive of the things as are planning, organising, executing, monitoring and controlling the overall activities. In this the main importance of scope statement is need to be focused (Hallowell and Wehle, 2013). Under this, work breakdown structure is need to be formulated by focussing over the things as are cost, schedule, scope and quality. By the knowing of the importance of risk assessment, the impact of the risk on the specific factors is need to be addressed. This will be helpful in successful production of deliverable of projects.

2.2 project scope management

It is one of essential concept and responsibility of project manager in terms to achieve the objectives of the project. It is the responsibility of John to work as functional manager and engage himself to be part of manufacturing process (Dykstra, 2011). With the help of considering over in-house experts there can be reduction in the cost of merger with the DLF LTD. In this, it is essential to consider over planning, implementation, termination and acquisition of the project in systematic manner. It is the responsibility of John to successfully develop the process of planning so that desired result can be achieved.

2.3 Work break down structure

It is one of outline of task and it is need to produced the outline with the help of inclusive of the things as are project derivable, time, budgeting etc. it is very helpful as it works as to breaks the project into sub- task so that implementation and control can be taken.

2.4 project budget

Under this, the estimated budget of the whole task is need to be prepared. It will be inclusive with things as are labour, resources, material, travel which is helpful to manage the communication. Under this the total amount which has estimated is as $2 million. The 10% part is the contingency reserve.

2.5 Gantt chart

It is one of the effective step in terms to horizontal bars description of the scheduling the whole project task within the given time period.

2.6 characteristics of project managers

Under this, cross functional activities and department is need to be involved. It is very essential for project manager to work with skills which helps to successfully manage the teams and resource of projects. Herein, project managers must have vision, integrity, leadership qualities as this will be helpful in terms to successfully manage the overall team. The project manager is need to be effective communicator so that whole task can be undertaken effectively.

2.7 Project scope statement

In this, project scope statement will be inclusive of the activities as are benefits, deliverable and all other things with help of which desire task can be accomplished. It will be inclusive of the various things as are boundaries of project, time scale, cost and the other criteria. This is very helpful step in terms to having reduction in doubts as what is need to be included and what thing can be ignored (De Bruijn and Ten Heuvelhof, 2010). Firstly, it is need to present to client if he approved and signed than it is need to executed properly. Thus, it is essential to approved by the project manager and client.

2.8 Phases of project management

In this, there are number of the steps in the project management which will be helpful in terms to accomplish the overall set objectives. It is defined in following manner as are-

  1. Initiating
  2. planning
  3. Executing
  4. Monitoring
  5. Controlling and closing.

2.8.1 Project initiation phase

It is one of the stage in which project is need to be named and initial stage is to be defined. Under this, they are able to set the vision that what things are need to be accomplished. It is the execution process in which the planned activities is need to be implemented.

2.8.2 The planning phase

It is the step in which project management plan is need to be created effectively. It set out the phases, resources, task, time frames so that desire objectives can be achieved. It has covered with number of things as are scope, schedule cost and monitoring and controlling process is need to be considered so that things can be done in effective manner. It is one of comprehensive plan based on the activities as are scope, duration, quality, communication, risk and resources (De Bakker, Boonstra and Wortmann, 2010). This stage will be included as the number of the things as are work break down structure, budget, milestone and Gantt charts so that all things can be done in expertise mode. The planning which will be developed in this step is as are-

Financial plan- It is one of crucial activity. Under this, it is needed to be set the deadline in terms to meet the specific objectives (Caniëls and Bakens, 2012). This step will be inclusive of the things as are cost in relation to labour, resources, materials and equipments. The overall expenses will be helpful in order to create budget.

Resource plan- under this, there are various resources with help of project can be completed. It will be inclusive of the amount as are labour, equipment and materiel which is helpful in terms to successful completion of the projects.

Risk plan- under this, risk management plan is need to be created and it works as the part of planning process. The overall activities under this are need to be tracked so that one of the proper deliverable is need to be achieved. If the risk is identified than particular action in terms to mitigate the risk is need to be taken into consideration.

Staffing planning- It is the plan which covers the identification of the task and this all things are need to be based on the things as are selection and assembling of overall project team (Bredillet, 2010).

Quality plan- under this, it is very helpful in terms to plan the overalls activities in order to get ensures that it is essential to meet the needs of the client. To make this process effective it is essential to draw quality assurance plan with the help of which internal review are need to be considered so that quality objectives can be achieved.

Communication plan- In this, it is essential to make the proper communication soi that set objectives can be achieved. The project manager is need to be effective communicator.

Procurement plan- It is plan which defines as product and services in the timely manner by the suppliers. In this stage, it is essential to define the process for acquiring the items and set the proper schedule of delivering of product and services (Bredillet, Yatim and Ruiz, 2010).

Project phase review-It is one of systematic process and it helps to determine the end phase of project. In this, it can be said that this kind of outcomes are helpful to determine that what kind of action is need to be taken in order to properly conducting the overall activities effectively.

2.8.3 project execution phase

Under this, it is essential to produce the derivable and in this all the activities are need to be implemented and drawn with the effective plan procedure (Artto and, 2011). It is one of the crucial steps as it helpful in terms to determine the success and failure of project. Under this, project manager is need to coordinate the overall activities effectively. With the help of meetings and information updates the overall things are need to be done effectively. This is very assistive in terms to ensure the project and quality of the product. In this any changes in this is need to be jointly approved. Under this manner it is essential to look the monitoring and controlling phase.

2.8.4 Project monitoring and controlling

The main aim behind conducting this is to achieve the aims of the projects. It is essential to regulate the overall process effectively. There are some things as are scope, risk and process all this factors are need to controlled successfully (Griffith, Stephenson and Watson, 2014).

2.9 closing

This is need to be closed with the final acceptance of client. It is need to be followed by the project manager so that goals of team can be achieved.


From the above report it has been summarized that project man agent is the essential task in term to delivering successful activities to firm. This has been conducted by the project manager. Further, report has focused the various activities as are work breakdown structure, risk analysis, Gantt chart etc. in addition to this, this report has successfully defined the life cycle of projects.

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Book & Journal

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  • Bredillet, C., Yatim, F. and Ruiz, P., 2010. Project management deployment: The role of cultural factors. International Journal of Project Management,28(2), pp.183-193.
  • Bredillet, C.N., 2010. Blowing hot and cold on project management. Project Management Journal, 41(3), pp.4-20.
  • Burke, R., 2013. Project management: planning and control techniques. New Jersey, USA.
  • Caniëls, M.C. and Bakens, R.J., 2012. The effects of Project Management Information Systems on decision making in a multi project environment.International Journal of Project Management, 30(2), pp.162-175.
  • De Bakker, K., Boonstra, A. and Wortmann, H., 2010. Does risk management contribute to IT project success? A meta-analysis of empirical evidence. International Journal of Project Management, 28(5), pp.493-503.
  • De Bruijn, H. and Ten Heuvelhof, E., 2010. Process management: why project management fails in complex decision making processes. Springer Science & Business Media.
  • Dykstra, A., 2011. Construction project management: A complete introduction. Kirshner Publishing Company.
  • Griffith, A., Stephenson, P. and Watson, P., 2014. Management systems for construction. Routledge.
  • Hallowell, M.R. and Wehle, A., 2013. Proactive construction safety control: Measuring, monitoring, and responding to safety leading indicators. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 139(10), p.04013010.

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