
Operational Management of Novotel Hotels


  • Unit No: 17
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 10 / Words 2580
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: R/601/1100
  • Downloads: 994
Organization Selected : Novotel
Question :

This assessment will cover - 

  1. Elaborate control in mechanism with the quality mechanism and functions.
  2. Give all the strategies for record keeping and management.
  3. Comply effective areas and the record keeping areas in organisations.
Answer :


Quality Management is a continuous procedure to increase the business reliability and performance for providing improved services and products. It is aimed at the improvements to attain customers' satisfaction. It is group of techniques and approaches that has been used to identify the problem-areas to improve the quality. For this, a strategic implementation can be used by applying few integrated approaches.

This assignment will evaluate the operational activities in the hospitality sector. Additionally, it lays emphasis on the overall contribution by adopting different processes, their measurement scales, use of marketing tools etc. Along with this, satisfaction in terms of employees, personnel and customers will also be discussed to understand the necessity. This is one of the important aspects of quality management. Lastly, it will describe about the effectiveness of traditional approaches when applied with any new system with respect to existing systems. It will support in bringing changes to improve services quality efficiently.

1.1 Quality from the perspective of business and services

The business and service provisions aim at delivering services to their customers so that they are satisfied with the products and services and are convinced to pay the demanded price for it. The quality in relation to the service provisions and business is defined as the characteristic features of the products which can meet the expectations of consumers as well as service providers and can pursue customers to pay for it. It can also be defined as the extent up to which it can meet the desired and predefined specifications and needs of the business target audience (Goetsch and Davis, 2014). These definitions demonstrate the significance of the quality management from profit perspective in business. Apart from bringing customer satisfaction the quality is also defined as the extent of operational efficiency which makes the business activities cost efficient.

The nature of quality in business can be considered as the perceptual, subjective or conditional depending upon the service and consumer profile. For instance with Novotel London City South its consumers expect that the food beverages, conference rooms and lounge services are comfortable, healthy and safe as well as attractive. Thus, the services of organisation can be considered as qualitative if they meet all these expectations within framework of the operational cost of Novotel.

1.2 Role of control mechanism and assurance in quality management

The quality control and assurance are essential element in the quality management process of the business.

Quality control

The strategies used by Novotel to assure that all quality standards such as hygiene, safety, appearance and performance are meet in the services and products delivered by the organisation are known as the quality control procedures. The control strategies ensures that all business activities are monitored and compared with the standard procedures so that if there is a difference then improvements can be made (Mitra, 2016). Quality control makes quality management effective and useful. Without these control mechanism Novotel hotel will not be able to analyse that its quality is not satisfactory.

Quality assurance

The control mechanism monitors that quality standards are followed. On the other hand quality assurance procedures accomplish inspection of all services of the organisation and concludes that its quality of services are as per the needs of their target audience. For instance if quality assurance team will not confirm the products and if there will be any loophole then it will create a negative impression in minds of consumers and this is not considered as beneficial for the hotel. Thus, quality assurance team of Novotel assures that before delivering services to consumers the quality of product is verified.

1.3 Quality Management Approaches

Kaizen Approach

It is a continuous approach to make small modifications to bring efficient improvements. This approach can assist Novotel management to proactively make their employees' participate and contribute at each individual level and bring something in the name of innovation. Additionally, coordination and cooperation must be improved at this establishment to bring radical changes for attaining objectives by fulfilling the employees' engagement. Here, the tools like Pareto analysis and value stream mapping can help in observing the flow of services, products and working practices of Novotel workforce. This will help Novotel's management to maximize their resources efficiency and cost effectiveness.

Total Quality Management

It is a structured approach to improve the quality factor in an organization's services and goods. This can be used by Novotel to improve their employees' engagement by applying a systematic approach in their communication so that customers' focus can be enhanced. Here, decision making plays imperative part in the continuous improvisations' aspect of communication, recognition, etc (Ahmad and, 2012). The management of Novotel must chalk out a plan to develop their consultation format and make it accessible to their employees and customer's as well. This method has holistic approach and consists of tools like ISO 9000, Just-in-time inventory, bench-marking and more. Moreover, they can use cross functional interactive system to improve the connectivity.

1.4  Similarities with differences about the mentioned approaches


These are implemented by the management for employees' engagement, increased teamwork spirit with a sense of personal discipline and responsibility. Moreover, both methods are employed to attain the establishment's continuum incremental enhancements at regular periods. It also brings a sense of ownership in employees' and make them feel as part of the organizations (Ooi and, 2011). However, these methodologies shed light on the cost effectiveness with time efficiency as the staff would be motivated and committed to do their jobs at hand in proper manner. As per Deming Cycle, such approaches are important to manage the statistics and targets of organization in more constructive manner (Quality Gurus, 2018). 


TQM concentrate on the consumer's contentment level in context of product or service, whereas Kaizen focuses on the employee's expectations from their organization. Moreover, TQM is based on both bottom-up and top down approach but Kaizen is based on bottom up approach only. Along with, TQM is an expensive methodology to implement as compared to Kaizen. Lastly, TQM is used for elimination of causes so that quality can be improved. On the other hand, Kaizen is employed for removal of waste to improve efficiency in quality control through standardization processes. Here, it is understandable that both Kaizen and TQM way of working practices are different and work on different purposes. However, Kaizen is continuous approach to bring changes in cyclic order and TQM, on the other hand, it focuses on number of activities to transform the inputs into outputs by using the resources in the most useful manner (Zamanis and Bohoris, 2009).

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2.1 Role of self–assessment

Self-assessment is defined as the procedure which help in understanding the strengths and weaknesses of an enterprise. This lays emphasis on the overall evaluation to know about the current status of the company with respect to its competitors in the marketplaces. Furthermore, there are many advantages of this assessment. It includes avoiding any accidents or finding any discrepancies, encouraging constructive analysis of the regular sessions and meetings, interactions among the team members for increasing the performance management at the chosen organization. Here, types of self-assessment can be used such as summative assessment, benchmark assessment, formative and many more. These will be proved beneficial in evaluation of performance after providing training and guidance to employees so that they can develop them for improving their skills and knowledge.

As per the scenario of Crowne Plaza Riverbank, which is suffering from financial losses. It was due to the unstable economic crises at the global level. Therefore, the current status of this hotel is not in good position and has affected in the worst manner. However, they must implement few efforts that assure for effective improvements such as using information systems to keep proper records, improving the communication, conducting sessions for training etc. Along with, this organization must use training programs to strengthen their self assessment procedures in context to their employees, staff and others. It would decrease the gaps between the employer-employee and enhance the work environment properly. Moreover, it assisted Crowne Plaza to develop an outline for controlling and identifying the costing for operations by building the competency levels in an optimum utility.

2.2 Communication and record keeping in organizations


This is significant in any organization for improving the performance metrics of employees'. An open and transparent channel will bridge the gaps between the employer and employees. It will also assist in conflict resolution and avoid any misinterpretations, miscommunication and confusions. Such transparent channels of communication involves components like listening, observing, knowing and describing. For example, use of EPOS  (Electronic point of sale) that will support the organization to link their entire data in a centralized order. In this method, all the management systems can be connected to make  reservation process easier for accommodating guests and their billing, separate system for stock control; events management and more. Henceforth, a good communication will support the organization in maintaining the reputation and brand value. On the other hand, lack of proper communication will restrict the flow of work smoothly and might lead to miscommunication or any tension or stress between employee-customer or between employee-manager. It will affect the organization's reputation in negative manner.


It is one of the important aspects in the hospitality industry. This has proved beneficial to manage the data, information and other related details in systematic manner for easy accessibility. Moreover, it helps in keeping the records of customers, inventory, staff and their duties or work allocation details etc in systematic manner. This will help the organization to avoid any confusion or mismanagement of their resources and maintain the overall quality of work processes. Along this, it will help in managing the data in one location to make the operations convenient for the management of the organization. In this regard, there are different forms of records such as invoices, bookings, staff rotas, stock control sheets etc. Whereas, if this record keeping would not be done properly then it would impact the working practices of the organization adversely. It would increase the work pressure and time consumption. Along this, manual labor would be required to keep the records leading to wastage of resources, energy and time.

Therefore, both communication and record keeping, if maintained appropriately by the administrative department of organization would manage and maintain the quality management in better modes.

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3.1 Stages for staff consultation

Staff consultation is defined as the procedure to improve the communications by including the organization's employees and management to perform the task in proper manner. There are many stages of consultation by the staff of Crowne Plaza to improve the quality schemes they need to implement for better productivity at their workstations.


This step is important to know about the budget, resources etc. It includes the formulation of concepts and ideas in context of providing better services to the customers of this hotel. It helps in the identification of the formal consultation to draw the mapping of the complete proposal in effective ways.


It is one of the important steps in executing the planned activities to be completed on time. Here, the focus is on establishing the guidelines and instructions regarding quality parameter. This will avoid any miscommunication or doubts in the later stages of the consultation. Nonetheless, its reasonable opportunities must be tapped on with establishment of objectives, measures and feedback.


Here, the main purpose is to use the allocated resources in the most feasible ways. This will  enhance the viability of the situational crises. It will support by giving suitable attention to fulfill the requirements and can also take few decisions to apply strategies in better ways.


This step will tell about the progress of project undertaken by the organization. This part puts light on the workings of the Crowne Plaza's quality management to attain the goals during the planning. It includes the checking points whether every components has been achieved or not.   

If you want help in operations management assignment writing, then you can visit Operations Management Assignment Help and take information from it.

3.2 Recommendations

There are few proposed recommendations to incorporate in Crown Plaza's working practices. Such suggestions will be applied with the current processes of this hotel to maintain the quality management in efficient and effective manner. For any hotel industry, it is important to keep improving their services and goods to keep their customers and make them to revisit. However, they must be careful in dealing with their employees so that such high quality can be maintained without creating any difficult situation.

In this regard, this hotel's management must start an initiation program for improving their induction training and orientation to their staff. This will be beneficial in handling their customers in better manner. Thus, this change can be welcomed by the staff to improve their working styles and additional skills that will help the organization to maintain their brand image in customers' eyes. Along with this, some investments can be made on installing tools and equipment at the existing control department for qualitative analysis.

This will support in conducting few operations effectively like tracking, up-gradation and overall assessment can be done. Along this, Opera System can be used to solve the targeted issues by maximizing the  available resources with increasing the time efficiency. Additionally, SERVQUAL Instrument can also be installed by the management to bring changes in the overall quality management. It will help the employees to conduct their assigned tasks in appropriate manner.


From this report, it can be concluded that implementation of quality management approaches is necessary for the success of business. Quality control is an integral part of the inspection process and can help in improving quality and effectiveness of the business process. The report has discussed the role of customer satisfaction, marketing and information available to consumers in influencing the quality management process. It has also discussed the procedures to measure and implement quality management strategies. Thus, it can be concluded from the report that without application of quality assurance and measurement techniques it may be difficult for the business processes to achieve their success goals.

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