
Understanding of Different Approaches To The Tourism Development And Planning


  • Unit No: 3
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 14 / Words 3612
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: Y/508/0487
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Question :

Sustainable tourism is aimed to retain the social and economic advantage of the tourism development. The purpose of this unit is to gain the understanding of different approaches to the tourism development and planning, impact and current issues of tourism and sustainable tourism.

  • Planning in tourism and travel industry.
  • Need for the planning in sustainable tourism
  • current issues while planning for tourism development.
  • Different approaches to tourism development and planning.
  • Environmental, social and economic impact of tourism.
Answer :


In order to make growth on tourism outcomes, sustainable tourism development consist essential role to improve desired results. Furthermore, it also helps to increase living standard of people to perform several functions and operations. Nowadays, eco-friendly as newest things strive for many tour operators and travel enterprises. With respect to focus on the present report, it is based on Philippine Case Study. In different developing nations, they consider activities to promote and establish market for their profitability increment. Furthermore, report cover insight information in which benefits of tourism planning with stakeholder included. In addition to this, it also includes advantages and disadvantage of public and private sector of tourism planning. Along with this, methods included that helps to measure tourist impact. At last, methods included to solve conflicts.


1.1 How stakeholder can benefit from planning of tourism development

Sustainable tourism development consist economic, social and environment aspects that helps to save cost of business to operating in all over the world. This sector benefit to communities and other stakeholders through protect environment and consider safeguarding in the environment (Lew and, 2016). With respect to analysis benefits of stakeholder, it can be stated that following elements will be included in planning for tourism development:

Tourism association

Association of travel and tourism sector of Philippine benefits that assists to design activities and promote place with fostering. In the country, they regulate different outcomes to attain more creative work performances.

Local government

Local government also support through provide several benefits to make effective results (Li and, 2015). They regulate rules and regulations for business and country development.

Business organisation

In the organisation such as tour operators, agents, hotels, etc. support to create proper plan in the form of informatics, statics and visitors details. It helps to set and fix strategies in all over the world. In this planning, different activities has been considered in creative manner.

National government

National government of Philippine attain their targets through develop tourism development in it. Planning also support to government to allocate resources with infrastructure facilities in efficient manner. This planning creates several benefits to tourism development in chosen nation.

Local population

In the travel and tourism, there are several people work that support to their living. Local people provide benefits to improve living standard. Beside this, in particular areas' development of roads, hotels, etc (Loperena and, 2016). In the coastal areas conflicts also happen with local people which solved with using planning system.

1.2 Advantages and disadvantage of public and private sector tourism planning partnership

With creation of network, it can be stated that tourism sector able to get several opportunities to transferring knowled Philippine Case Study ge. It assists to flourish and grow successful outcomes in travel and tourism sector in successful manner. Cooperation between different enterprises assist to face diverse situation with allocation of resources. In respect to rising public and private sector tourism planning face international competitiveness, technological progress, supplier sophistication, etc. In the industry, mainly Philippine generated more revenue from international tourist (Lynch, 2017). It also boosts employment opportunities in the country.

Public sector:

This sector helps to encourage people with industry growth for under-developed nations. Hence, main objectives is to increase awareness of society through protect them


In the public sector, tourism planning helps to boost output that increases tourism activities. Within the new place, government regulations and norms also followed successfully.

Ownership of the industry also taken with government through planning and coordination for easier tourism. In Philippine, it easily runs and provide training maintain coordination among people (Migacz, Zou and Petrick, 2018).

In the public sector, it ensures basic needs and requirement such as transport, electricity, etc. In respect to consider low prices, this sector continuously grow.


Due to high political interference, Philippine face issue to deal with the new areas of operations.

There is also disadvantage regarding use of government resources.

Private sector

Apart from this, private sectors are also determined their own interest which run with capital, businessmen, etc. It is collected from private partners so that in this sector profit margin could be set high for long run profits. Following are certain advantages and disadvantage of private sector:


In the private sector, mainly business set their style of working as per their convenience. Target people consider with specific time and order. For effective management, roles assign with responsibilities as per own decisions (Mowforth and Munt, 2015).

In addition to this, in private sector growth is generally associated to create better work performances. Skills and potential growth assists to promote tourism planning


However, in private sector there is no security for job which intend problems and issues. In respect to planning of tourism in Philippine major issue exist in business.

In private sector, high competition create issues and problems to attract staff members. Tourism attracts local enterprise with increase operations and functions

With respect to work with public and private partnership, cooperative arrangement also developed successfully. In order to frame long term planning, company able to increase positive results with long term objectives.


2.1 Features of tourism development planning at different levels

With respect to promote more significant advantages, it can be stated that there are several functions and operations consider generate high revenue. Generally people spend amount to travel in several areas. In every nation efforts are made to attract maximum number of people. It helps to generate revenue and profitability to manage functions and increase business advantages as well (Lyon, Hunter-Jones and Warnaby, 2017). At different level, it considers planning for tourism development which are as follows:

International level

At international level, Philippine consider promotion of their services. Different activities and tasks consist as per customer needs and requirement. Policies and regulations also followed that help to meet with social perspective. Furthermore, it also generates economic output and sustainability measurement. For instance, Philippine consider planning to operate their functions in Thailand.

National level

At national level tourism activities consider work with different enterprises of private sector. It includes hotels and restaurants that is beneficial to private and public both sector. Private sector of local nation create opportunities to increases employment activities (Mowforth and Munt, 2015). It considers hotel business, to gain competitive advantages.

Local level

In order to promote desired results, every business must include local people to develop their awareness. Philippine must focus to implement marketing and promotional tools. With the help of specific and fundamental aspects, they can easily deal with program in certain areas. Hence, it increases opportunities to deliver positive outcomes. Hence, Philippine able to promote tourism performance easily.

With the above discussion, it can be stated that tourism planning develops functions at several level (Pearce, 2015). According to case scenario, it can be stated that goals and objectives clearly ascertained to increase opportunities and increase arrangement with policies and strategies.

2.2 Significance of interactive planning system and process in tourism development

With respect to consider interactive planning system, there are several benefits ascertained in research. On the basis of stakeholder participation tourism activities continuously develop. In Philippine, interactive planning system bring collaboration, cooperation and participation of different people that help to attain objectives in effective manner (Perles-Ribes, and, 2016). Government also give emphasis to develop infrastructure to boost employment opportunities. This process and planning system implemented with consider following ways:

Positive sides of interactive planning system

In order to take better decisions, it can be stated that government of country includes several people in coastal areas. With the help of infrastructure development process, feedbacks and negotiations done in particular interactive planning system.

Negative side of interactive planning system

It includes all the feedback and opinion from the local communities and other stakeholders can bring more complexities. It will be difficult for the organisation to evalute all the feedback and consider the specific one.

2.3 Different methods available to measure tourist impact

Economical measure

Philippines is the country where economic growth and property can be assessed by considering the tourism related factors. The government of Philippine can easily track the different infrastructure development. The can also the approach of the citizen of Philippine by sharing the statics from different model. It claims by that employee for to generated coordinated with government.

Environmental measures

It will consider the cost of environment while developing the tourism in the country. It is needed to eluted by consider the environment. The environmental d manges can changes the visitors chose (Spencer, 2016). It also damages to find the feasibility of the tourism development activity.

Social measures-

This is the most important impacts on the tourism sector. The information related to the culture aspects in the tourism is very difficult to measure as it is quality in nature. It depends upon the nature that affected in the organisation.


3.1 and 3.2 covered in poster

3.3 Stages in planning for sustainability with reference to Philippine


4.1 Methods of resolving conflict of interest to ensure future well-being to develop tourism destination

Tourism company also having the large issues in the context of sustainability development. It also helps to take care of the organisation growth and best effective challenging growth. In order to resolve the issues and growth (Sigala, 2016). Company requires making some changes and goals in order to get over from the uncertain factors. There are given some following factors that Philippines might be adopted in order to meet the needs of the customers.

Interpersonal relations among stakeholders

There are many conflicts among the stakeholder in tourism for the objectives, profits and decision making process. This makes the process easier and challenging. With the help of interpersonal relations and better communication with stakeholders will reduce the conflicts among customers. This also helps to accommodate the better services that helps to make better output results and challenging channel of performances (Spencer, 2016). It gives better growth and fast forward results that helps to make the proper attention and growth.

Enclave tourism

This is the another approach or to tool to make sure the enclave on tourism. By implementing the proper changes and makes better fast forward results will make the better changes in the market. On the other side, Philippine needs to adopt proper policies and legal structures to sustain the lawful content. In between the proper market.


This is the another approach to keep the certainty in the business market. The conflict of interest may be due to difference in culture of the stakeholders (Sigala, 2016). This is the seamless presentation of a single culture but the stakeholder except the community may has difference in culture. Methods of resolving conflict of interest to ensure future well-being to develop tourism destination.

4.2 Implications of balancing supply and demand with Philippine case study

Supply and demand is the two necessary tool for managing the proper changes and meet the needs of the clients (Spencer, 2016). In terms of tourism sector, supply means rise in prices will also rise the amount of services from the seller. It is the process of market results and growth performing growth. Besides, services are fully enjoyed by the customers at higher level of satisfaction. The supply of the services and products in tourism of Philippine is based on the balanced use of supply and demand laws.

The supply services in infrastructure like the telecommunication, transportation and accommodation to visitors. This market growth and making good challenging growth channel will also very much helpful to make the proper challenging behaviour. This must be required to make proper changes and make good implication level of challenges growth.

There are basically four types of laws that implicate the supply and demand as if demand goes up and supply remain unchanged then the prices. In some cases demand and supply may gives the negative effect the customer services (Weaver and Jin, 2016). Besides, in seasonal environment prices will become rise due to rise in demand. Under which all demand and supply will become the challenging and approachable growth for the company development. On the contrary, due to decreased in supply on the other hand prises will start to grow as well.

4.3 Moral and ethical issues of enclave tourism

Moral and ethics are the another major goals and target market challenging factor that affect the business environment. Enclave tourism refers that under which customer will get all inclusive services so that, local businesses would not get the opportunities to serve their services to customers. This approach helps to safe the growth of tourism and encourages the customers to get the new more activities. On the other hand, enclave tourism is the limited are where customer get all the services in terms of accommodation and all (Ye and, 201). This make sure the overall, changes and long effectiveness goals and making good task oriented process. It requires the proper challenges and better task performing goals in order to meet the needs of the customers. Some examples of enclave tourism are island, ships or resorts. There are many issues faced by the customers in terms of lacking of so many services in the context of tourism sector. This also helps to bring the new major goals and task oriented process and major goals. All over the part, this will also help to contain the major goals and best approachable target market performances.

Local community of the Philippine have not got the enough services or accommodate benefits from the tourism sector (Yahdjian, Sala and Havstad, 2015). Enclave tourism will also affect the cultural and heritage tourism of Philippine which is the actual tourist attraction of the country.

Overall, this tourism will reduce the visits of customers due to lack of enough proper services at those places. This makes the proper and long lasting effects in order to meet the goals and challenging growth channel. This tourism also affect the employment benefits, due to low scope of services and law wanting needs of challenge will give the good benefits range and make good goals.


5.1 Compare current issues associated with tourism development in developing nation

Different countries have different cultural values and beliefs which lead to play significance role while carrying out tour package. In order to select the emerging and developing nation for promoting travel and tourism sector, Vietnam has been selected and comparative analysis is carried out between Philippines and Vietnam below:

5.2 Recommendations for future development of tourism in chosen destination

Philippines is famous for the beaches and Boracay is the most beautiful destination in Philippines. Tourists can be attracted by maintaining its natural beauty including beaches, mountains, forests, animals.

Government should promote green tourism by saving natural resource and promoting the concept of 3 R (recycle, reuse and reduce). By planting more and more trees the ecological balance will also be maintained and will help in maintaining the temperature because a good weather will attract more tourist (Guo and Sun, 2016).

Improvement in social infrastructure like hospitals and transportation will attract more tourist.

Tourism can be increase by providing better infrastructure facilities. For any tourist, facilities and services are most important. It tends the tourist to come again and again to the place.

Change in rules and regulations of government policy of tourism will help in increasing the tourists. It will attract more and more tourist which is ultimately beneficial to the Philippines country.

The major factor is cost if government removes the trade barriers the local people will be able to sell the product at low price as compared to other nation and this will attract more and more tourist.

Safety is the major concern of the people, accordingly people decide the country to travel. So, if there is a danger government should take care off. Safety measures should be taken by the government (Ye and, 2018).

Every country wants to increase its tourism because it brings other country's money to our nation which helps in development of the particular nation.


From the basis of above section, it has been discussed the benefits of stakeholder from the planning of tourism development. This present study also explained about the benefits or disadvantages of partnership in tourism development between both public or private sector. The report will also analyse the process of developing the high performing level of outputs. Apart from that, report also discussed about the key features of tourisms development planning at different levels. Besides, it generates the long term goals and best approachable;e target market conditions. This study also discussed about the level of impactful nature of matter of fact.

On the apart, study explained the implications or balancing of supply and demand in the context of enclave tourism. Besides, what are the factors does customer faced while the visit island, resorts or in a ship. Besides, this will also very much helpful to make the proper changes in terms of making task oriented goals.


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