
Top 51 Persuasive Essay Topics to Make Your Paper Stand Out

29 Jun 2022 2794
Persuasive Essay Topics

Essays are a short piece of writing written by a person with a motive to express his arguments or experiences. Depending on what the author is trying to convey to the readers, the essays are categorized into different types. A persuasive essay is one of them which is written with a purpose to encourage the reader to accept the opinion of the writers and take his side of the argument. When writing a persuasive essay, you need to choose your side of the topic, either “for” or “against” and present a strong argument or point to persuade the readers.

If you have been asked to prepare a persuasive essay lately, then it is important you select a topic that resonates with your interest. But picking up a great topic is not that easy. But, when you have Assignment Prime by your side, you need not worry about the topic for your persuasive essay. Below are essay writing help experts who have listed some trending topics for persuasive essays.

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51 Best Persuasive Essay Topics of 2019

Persuasive Essay Topics on Sports

  • Should high school athletes fall prey to the stereotypes?
  • Is drinking Red Bull and other energy drinks harmful for athletes?
  • Can a great sportsman be a good coach?
  • Should female trainers mentor women?
  • Bodybuilding is a risk for women. Express your opinion on this
  • Male athletes have higher chances of getting injured than female athletes. What’s your take on this?
  • Is chess a sport or a game?
  • Should press conferences be mandatory for athletes?
  • According to you, what is the best way to relieve stress in sports?
  • Is the role of physical education in schools underestimated these days?

Persuasive Essay Topics on Music

  • Why modern pop music is not better than the pop music of the 70s?
  • Has the essence of protest song changed since the early 21st century?
  • Should tracks or entire albums with filthy language come with parental warning labels?
  • Is it important to have proper music education and training when playing professional music?
  • Do depressive songs encourage the youth to commit suicide?
  • The impact of downloadable tracks on the way musicians create an album.
  • According to you, is it fair that producers have more power than the band members?
  • Worldwide web helped in the development of online music but put an end to the radio.
  • What are the best devices to listen to music?
  • What are your predictions for the next music revolution?

Persuasive Essay Topics on Animals

  • Is it immoral to hunt wild deer?
  • Microchipping home pets and homeless dogs- What is your take on it.
  • Is it wrong to use animals in circuses and keep them in zoos?
  • Should animals be used for clinical and scientific experiments?
  • Should pets be punished?
  • Exotic animals should not be tamed. Express your views on it.
  • If a dog bites a human without a good reason, should it be euthanized?
  • Breed animals to get combined hybrids- Is it ethical?
  • How poaching is affecting the economy?
  • Should home pets be kept outdoors?

Persuasive Essay Topics On Education

  • Like students, teachers should pass professional tests.
  • Should the time of college lectures be shortened?
  • Students should not be burdened with a lot of homework. What are your views on it?
  • Are SAT & ACT effective examination tools?
  • Modern students should study business-related disciplines. Why?
  • Can information technologies class help an average student?
  • Remote education vs. traditional schooling. What do you think is better?
  • Is physical education necessary for students?
  • Should students be encouraged to participate in the arts?
  • What parents should do to help kids with homework more efficiently?

Persuasive Essay Topics on Women and Gender

  • Why do female entrepreneurs get less funding for their startup?
  • The role of women in changing the world.
  • Feminism is all about equality. Do women really understand this?
  • Women have more responsibilities than men.
  • Should there be men's rights advocacy groups like women?
  • Women who misuse their rights should be punished seriously.
  • Is gender really a socially constructed norm?
  • Beauty pageants are outdated and anti-feminist. What do you think about this?
  • Why the image of women is not right what is presented in the movies?
  • Women are using feminism for all the wrong reasons. Express your opinion.
  • How female politicians are better than male politicians?

Whatever topic you choose for your persuasive essay, make sure you have good knowledge of it so that you can easily bring out your side of the argument. In case you’re not able to select a topic and prepare a persuasive essay on it, handover the task to us. We have highly competent essay writing helpers working with us who can write the best papers for you and can even give you amazing tips on persuasive essay writing!

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