
Primary Method Research Project on 20 Employees of Vodafone


  • Unit No: 11
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 18 / Words 4440
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: R/508/0522
  • Downloads: 2320
Organization Selected : Vodafone



P1 Conduct primary and secondary research using appropriate methods

There are two ways of conducting research that is primary and secondary. In primary data is collected for first time with the help of questionnaire, interview, survey, etc. Also, it is important that data is analysed and interpreted in appropriate manner to obtain useful information (Richey and Klein, 2014). The present research is done by primary method in which 20 employees of Vodafone plc are selected as sample size. Questionnaire were given to them in which close ended questions were asked to them. The data analysis process is described below :-





1. Are employees in Vodafone plc satisfied with their job or not ?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Cannot say

2. What is the impact of redundancy programme on employee satisfaction?

  • Positive
  • Negative
  • Neither positive nor negative

3. What steps Vodafone plc has taken to reduce employee redundancy?

  • Providing incentives
  • Providing bonus
  • Providing training
  • Nothing

4. Is there any impact on customer satisfaction due to redundancy programmes?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Cannot say

5. Has redundancy programmes helped in increasing their satisfaction or not ?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Cannot say

6. Is employee satisfaction an important aspect to increase sales and profit or not ?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Cannot say

7. Is there any change in buying behaviour of customers due to implementation of mobile or not ?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Not sure

8 Is there any increase in loyal customers due to use of mobile ?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Not sure

9 Has Vodafone plc able to attain employee satisfaction or not ?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Not sure

10 What change in their in experience of customer while shopping ?

  • Quick solutions of problems
  • Access to information
  • Ease in decision making

11 Is their increase in sales and profits of Vodafone plc or not ?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Not sure

12 What is the level of satisfaction among employees?

  • Satisfied
  • Neutral
  • Dissatisfied

13 To what extent satisfaction level of employees has increased?

  • 20 - 40 %
  • 40 – 60 %
  • 60 - 80 %

14 Is Vodafone plc able to create a better organisational culture by using mobile ?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Not sure 

Theme 1: Employees in Vodafone plc satisfied with their job

Are employees in Vodafone plc satisfied with their job or not ?






Cannot say




Interpretation The researcher conducted research in Vodafone plc to identify the impact of mobile on employee satisfaction. For this he randomly selected 20 employees and gave them questionnaire to fill. In this question was asked to them whether they are satisfied with their job or not. By collecting data it was identified that 10 employees said that they were satisfied with job, 5 said no they were not satisfied and 5 did not give any answer. Therefore, it can be concluded that employees in Vodafone plc is satisfied with their job. Also, it is important for every business to make efforts to increase job satisfaction among workers. It will help in creating a better organisation culture. Moreover, it will attract customers to buy their product or service.

Theme 2: Impact of redundancy programme on employee satisfaction

What is the impact of redundancy programme on employee satisfaction?






Neither positive nor negative




Interpretation – In order to achieve aims and objectives the researcher conducted research in Vodafone plc For this he distributed questionnaire to 20 selected employees to collect data. A question was asked to them regarding the impact of mobile on customer shopping experience. By collecting data it was identified that out of 20 said that 12 said that it has impacted in negative way, 5 said impact was positive and 3 said neither positive nor negative. Thus, it can be concluded that overall impact is negative. Employees are not satisfied with their job. Business must reduce redundancy of employee as it creates poor image in the market.

Theme 3: Steps taken by Vodafone plc to reduce employee redundancy

What steps Vodafone plc has taken to reduce employee redundancy?


Giving incentives


Giving bonus


Providing training






Interpretation - the researcher investigated Vodafone plc to identify the impact of mobile on shopping experience and employee satisfaction. In this question was asked to employees on what steps has been taken to reduce redundancy. On the basis of data collected it was identified that out of 20 employees 5 said that organisation is giving incentive, 3 said that organisation is giving bonus. On the other hand 10 said that Vodafone plc is providing training to them and 2 said that no steps has been taken. Hence, it can be said that there are certain steps that is taken by Vodafone plc to reduce employee redundancy. This has resulted in giving positive outcomes as overall efficiency has improved. If employee are satisfied with their job it helps in creating positive image in the market. Customers also gets attracted.

Theme 4: Impact on customer satisfaction due to redundancy programme

Is there any impact on customer satisfaction due to redundancy programmes?






Cannot say




Interpretation- The researcher conducted research in Vodafone plc to identify the impact of mobile. For this he selected 20 employees randomly. In this he asked question that whether it has any impact on customer satisfaction or not. By collecting data it was identified that out of 20 respondents, 15 said that there is impact on customer satisfaction, whereas 3 said no and 2 did not give any response. From this, it can be said that customer satisfaction has been impacted. There has been decrease in loyal customers. However, it is said that if customers are treated well it will automatically attract them towards company. So it is important to employee turnover is reduced.

Theme 5: Redundancy programmes has increased their satisfaction

Has redundancy programmes helped in increasing their satisfaction or not ?






Cannot say




Interpretation- On the basis of research conducted by researcher in Vodafone plc to analyse the impact of mobile on shopping experience and employee satisfaction. A questionnaire was given to 20 employees in order to take their opinion. By collecting data it was identified that out of 20, 13 said that different programmes initiated by Vodafone plc has increased their satisfaction whereas 6 said that there is no affect in their satisfaction and 1 respondent didn't say anything. Therefore, it can be concluded that various measures taken by Vodafone plc has helped in enhancing employee satisfaction. They are able to work in different situations. Also, it has lead to reduction in conflicts.

Theme 6: Employee satisfaction an important aspect to increase sales and profit

Is employee satisfaction an important aspect to increase sales and profit or not ?






Cannot say




Interpretation - As per the research conducted regarding shopping experience and employee satisfaction in Vodafone plc The researcher took sample of 20 respondents. They were asked is employee satisfaction useful in increasing sales. By collecting data it was identified that 9 said that it is important, 6 said not important and 5 didn't said anything. So from this it can be concluded that employee satisfaction is important aspect in increasing sales and profits. A satisfied employee will put more efforts in his work. In this way goals and objectives will be achieved on time. This will increase overall efficiency of organisation and generating more profits and sales.

Theme 7 : Is there any change in buying behaviour of customers due to implementation of mobile or not ?

Is there any change in buying behaviour of customers due to implementation of mobile or not ?






Cannot say




Interpretation- in order to achieve aims and objectives, research was conducted in Vodafone plc In this researcher want to identify the impact of mobile on shopping experience and employee satisfaction. By collecting data with questionnaire it was identified that out of 20 respondents 11 said that customer shopping behaviour has changed while 7 was not in favour of this. On the other hand, 2 respondents was not sure. Thus, it can be concluded that by using mobile there is change in buying behaviour of customers. Their problems are solved by employees quickly and effectively. Also, information about new service is reached to all customers at one time. Moreover, it is essential that

Theme 8: Is there any increase in loyal customers due to use of mobile ?

Is there any increase in loyal customers due to use of mobile ?






Cannot say




Interpretation- An investigation was done by researcher in Vodafone plc to identify the impact of mobile. For this questionnaire method was used and 20 respondents were randomly selected. By analysing collected data it was identified that 16 respondents out of 20 said that loyal customers are increased due to use of mobile, while 2 said no and 2 was not sure about this. Hence, it can be said that using of mobile has risen the number of loyal customers. Due to this Vodafone plc is able to create a large customer base. They are able to provide product and service according to change in taste and preference.

Theme 9: Vodafone plc has attained employee satisfaction

Has Vodafone plc able to attain employee satisfaction or not ?






Cannot say




Interpretation- On the basis of research conducted at Vodafone plc regarding impact of mobile on employee satisfaction and customer experience. For this 20 respondents was selected. By collecting data it was identified that 11 said that Vodafone plc is able to attain employee satisfaction. While 6 was not in favour of this and 3 was not sure. Therefore, it can be evaluated that employee satisfaction has enhanced due to effective communication. Managers are helping them to attain goals. Also, employee issues are solved in quick time.

Theme 10 : Increase in sales and profits of Vodafone plc

Is their increase in sales and profits of Vodafone plc or not ?






Not sure




Interpretation - A researcher was conducted in Vodafone plc to identify the impact of mobile on employee satisfaction. For this researcher randomly selected 20 employees and gave them questionnaire to fill. In this question was asked to them whether there was increase in sales and profits of Vodafone plc or not . By interpreting data it was identified that 18 respondent said that sales and profits has increased due to implementation of mobile. 1 was not in favour of this and 1 was not sure. Thus, it can be evaluated that

Theme 11: Level of satisfaction among employees in Vodafone plc

What is the level of satisfaction among employees?










Interpretation- On the basis of research conducted at Vodafone plc it can be analysed that out of 20 employees that was selected by researcher randomly, 11 employees said that they were satisfied with implementation of mobile, 3 said they were not satisfied and 6 remained neutral. From this it can be concluded that most to the employees were satisfied in Vodafone plc. They said that mobile has benefited as they are able to coordinate with each other. Also, it is necessary for company to make their employees satisfied as it helps in improving overall performance.

Theme 12: Satisfaction level of employees has increased

To what extent satisfaction level of employees has increased?


20-40 %


40-60 %


60-80 %




Interpretation- in order to achieve aims and objectives, research was conducted in Vodafone plc In this researcher want to identify the impact of mobile on employee satisfaction. By collecting data with questionnaire it was identified that out of 20 respondents 5 said that their satisfaction level has increased 20 -40 %, 10 said from 40-6% and 5 said from 60-80 %. Hence, it can be concluded that employee satisfaction level has increased overall in between 40-60 %.

Theme 13 : Organisational culture in Vodafone plc by using mobile

Is Vodafone plc able to create a better organisational culture by using mobile ?






Not sure




Interpretation- On the basis of above graph it can be analysed that out of 20 employees that was selected by researcher randomly, 13 employees said that better organisational culture has been created, 7 was not in favour of this. Therefore, it can be concluded that bys using mobile Vodafone plc is able to create a better organisational culture. It has lead to increase in efficiency of employees. With this there is reduction in redundancy programmes. It has developed a better image of Vodafone plc .


P2 Communicate research outcomes in an appropriate manner


It is concluded from research that a satisfied customer will become loyal for the company in the future. Also, it will help in promoting their products and services. Business must focus on increasing satisfaction among staff that will help in reducing redundancy of employees. This can be done by creating a better working environment. It is directly affecting Vodafone plc brand image in the market. Also, it is restricting many new candidates to join the company. Also, it has affected Vodafone plc image. Due to this customers are not treated well enough. This has resulted in decrease in sales and profits. It can be analysed that redundancy programmes are implementing and executing at workplace which help in providing effective employee satisfaction. For this they must install various digital tools and equipments. This will make it easy to help employee as well as customers.


  • Vodafone plc must hire expert that is able to maintain the efficiency of digital technology. It will help in maintaining customer satisfaction (Laursen and Svejvig, 2016.).
  • Company can install a database through which information can be accessed. It will help in providing solutions in real time and solving customer problems.
  • Organisation can analyse online website traffic so that change in taste and preference of customers is identified. It will help in developing services accordingly.
  • To reduce redundancy rate organisation can select right candidate in right time. It will help in reducing cost and managing work in proper way.


P3 Reflect on the effectiveness of research methods applied for meeting objectives

After the research was conducted by me I reflected on my performance. I analysed that I was able to achieve my goals and objectives on time. I acted as team leader for project and assigned roles to each team member. For this I had to do a lot of planning. I managed activities with the help of Gantt chart. It provided me an insight on how activities will be conducted and what time each activity will take. It helped in conducting research in smooth way. I created a proper communication structure so that effective coordination is there. With this team member were able to communicate with each other. I noticed that they also helped each other in order to complete their task. With this it was easy for team to move forward in step by step manner. By conducting research I gained skills and knowledge about various things. I learned about different research methods and how they are applied. The major challenge that I faced was analysing and interpreting of data. I was having no experience in this. So I hired an expert who did this for my project. He used SPSS for this. He also gave me training for using SPSS. I learned how to use it and it increased my confidence.

P4 Consider alternative research methodologies

Research is conducted by using several research methodologies. The selection of research methods on nature of research. Also, it depends on willingness of researcher on which method he or she may use (Bei and Dongsheng, 2014). The research methods must be analysed effectively otherwise it will affect the end results. In context to research, quantitative approach is applied. Other than this, qualitative approach can be used. It helps in having a deep analysis of research topic. Besides this, it includes hypothesis and required mathematical support. On the other hand in research design descriptive method is applied. Exploratory and experimental design is used to explore topic. Generally, it is used in scientific and mathematical research.

In addition to this data sampling method is also of different types. Non probabilistic method is used to selected for random sampling. In this large number of people are selected in which it is very difficult to measure ( Marshall and Rossman, 2014). Usually, it is used when research is conducted at large scale. Alongside this, secondary method can be used to collect data. In this previous articles, newspapers are analysed to collect data. Also, positivism philosophy is alternative method that is used. In this case studies are analysed and data is collected. It is applied in research determining interrelationship between two elements.

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Books and journals :

  • Bei, W. and Dongsheng, L., 2014. The Performance Evaluation of University Scientific Research Project Management Based on the FAHP. Journal of Digital Information Management, 12(1).
  • Laursen, M. and Svejvig, P., 2016. Taking stock of project value creation: A structured literature review with future directions for research and practice. International Journal of Project Management, 34(4), pp.736-747.
  • Marshall, C. and Rossman, G.B., 2014. Designing qualitative research. Sage publications.
  • Richey, R.C. and Klein, J.D., 2014. Design and development research: Methods, strategies, and issues. Routledge.

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