
Qatar Case Study for Sustainable Tourism Development


  • Unit No: 7
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 13 / Words 3139
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: D/601/1746
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In tourism, there are several activities and tasks has been considered regularly that helps to work on sustainable tourism development. On the basis of plan, the largest travel network created for powerful catalyst. It assists to protect natural and cultural heritage for future generations. Significant transformation also go in travel today that consider idea as per latest trend (Bramwell, Higham and Miller, 2017). In order to focus on present report, it is based on Qatar case study that develop with rich culture and history of Middle East. There are several programme schedule by Qatar to meet with increasing demand. Furthermore, world tourism activities also held to focused on sustainable tourism. For gaining insight information of the report, it includes benefits of stakeholder in planning of tourism development. Concept of sustainability in tourism development also continuously developed with reference to Qatar. Moreover, it determines moral and ethics of enclave tourism in Qatar. At last, it considers evaluation with recommendations for future development for chosen destination.


ï‚· National government: National government of the country mainly set targets with tourism development. Planning activities also support with government to allocate proper resources for particular nation development.

ï‚· Local people: Local population also consist important role in tourism planning which consider proper support in living standard. They also provide certain benefits with improvement. In particular area of development, it assists to solve issues and problems with planning system.


1.1 Advantages and disadvantage of public and private sector tourism planning

In network creation, it can be stated that there are several opportunities develop successfully. In this way, tourism sector easily knowledge and understanding transfer to maintain flourish and grow successful results. Cooperation between enterprises also make diverse situation with proper allocation of resources. With respect to attain competitiveness, there are two sectors in which tourism planning consider.

Public sector

In the public sector, mainly government encourage people to make high growth in nation. Main aim to enhance employment opportunities to increase living standard of people.


  • In the public sector, tourism planning assists to increase tourism performance and activities.
  • Increasing employment opportunities assists to regulate effective rules and regulations.
  • Basic needs and requirement also undertaken with increases transport facilities to perform functions and operations.


  • All people not believe on quality because low cost implementation exist so that it reduce believe from particular element.
  • High political interference.


Private sector

Beside this, private sector also ascertained with own interest that needed capital, etc. Private partners helps to increase revenue and profits. High profitability and run operations with following advantages and disadvantage:


  1. In private sector, styles of enterprise particularly set with working pattern.
  2. Private sector also run their operations which is associated with better work performance


  • Problems and issues are intended with planning of tourism
  • Due to high competition profitability reducing.



2.1 Features of tourism development planning at different levels

In order to consider significant results, it can be stated that functions and operations must be consider to increase profits and revenue. Efforts are made with attract maximum number of customers (Woo, Kim and Uysal, 2015). It enhances outcomes and results with different advantages. At different level, following features included:

  • International level: At international level, Qatar consider their promotional activities. Hence, needs and requirement helps to meet with social outcomes. It creates economic benefits and output to operate functions in Mexico.
  • National level: At national level, Qatar must consider their outcomes that is benefited to develop several opportunities (Bramwell, 2015). On the basis of opportunities, it can be interpreted that employment activities which assists to gain competitive advantages.
  • Local level: At local level, desired results will be promoted to focus on local people awareness and create employment as well. Qatar consider marketing and promotional tools so that it assist create positive work performances.

2.2 Evaluate significance of interactive planning system and process in tourism development

The significance of interactive planning is to make sure that all level of organisation, communities and tourists get involve to the plan in order to avoid over budget. Tourism industry is the fast making performance in order to meet the needs of the organisation goals and objectives. This helps to create the new advance services and target market approachable level of performing good things (Bunakov, Zaitseva and Suslova, 2017). This helps to perform the new level of performing games and growth. This is the process that helps to accomplish the set goals and make sure to reduce budget spending or minimizing the negative impact on local communities. Qatar is the best and attractive place where large number of visitors has come to explore the new different places and satisfied with the activities of tourism company. This also helps to make the productive and enlarging goals and objectives.

Due to lack of interactiveness from private developers, local and national authorities with host communities. The city is suffering with poor facilities and unskilled workers (McGehee, Knollenberg and Komorowski, 2015). This helps to make the better presence and goals oriented process to achieve the company set objectives. Tourism industry needs to develop new plans and policies that makes the proper arrangement.

2.3 Methods to measure tourist impact with reference to Qatar

In respect to focus on tourist impact, it can be stated that Qatar consider different ways to measure it. It assists to develop significant advantages with economic growth and consider factors that are related with tourism. Along with this, it is also focuses on generation of more revenue and profitability through conduct survey (Carr, Ruhanen and Whitford, 2016). Travel and tourism business create their responses with services that are offered to obtain and measure outcomes. On the basis of Qatar government, it can be said that following elements helps to measure it:

  • Economic measure: In Qatar, economic growth assessed with consideration of tourism related activities. On the basis of government of chosen business, it can be stated that infrastructure development activities consider with easy track. Approaches also develop in country to measure their effective results in systematic manner. It claims by employees to maintain coordination among government (Ruiz-Ballesteros and Cáceres-Feria, 2016). There are different types of models also explained that assists to focus on estimation of volume and create survey in plan. According to collection of information, it can be stated that STEAM model describe economic impact in enterprise process.
  • Environmental measure: It consists cost for the environment to develop tourism activities in nation. On the basis of consideration, environment also manage changes for selection of visitors. Feasibility of tourism development activities also consider attain overall work performances (Hatipoglu, Alvarez and Ertuna, 2016). Qualitative measure helps to manage operations and functions in systematic manner. On the basis of different consideration and process, secondary data collected as per local database for accommodation capacities. It helps to describe environmental impact and measurement easily.
  • Social measure: It is one of the important element for tourism sector. In this consideration, information related with cultural perspective. Hence, tourism activities easily solved to understand quality of nature. It depends on nature and affect to the organisation (Pulido-Fernández, Andrades-Caldito and Sánchez-Rivero, 2015). As per social effects, tourism effect has been identified for subjective measurement. With the help of social measurement, it can be stated that


3.1 Methods to resolve conflict of interest to ensure future well-being and developing tourism destination

Resolving the conflict of developing country

In the sustainable tourism development, while preparing rule and policies for the development of tourism the opinion of government was very different for the opinion of local people over there. Due to increasing tourism in those countries the life of local people in being affected by over there. So government made some rule to protect the interest of local people. Due to increases in tourism pollution in these countries has also increased (Hall and Gössling, 2016). Therefore, to protect the environment some policies were implemented to reduce the pollution by government and if anyone breaks the rules, heave penalty were imposted on them. Due to increasing tourism many issues and conflict has arisen, so government has planed to bring some changes in policies so that interest of local people and coastal life of people over there can be protected. Government is planning coastal programs to protect the interest of people over there (Jovicic, 2014). Secondly there is conflict between investors and wild life authors. Due to increasing tourism more parks, hotel and forest are acquired by government and the forest areas of local people are taken away. So for this government of that country has planned to give employment to local people. So to reduce conflict government has made many policies to help people and also in promoting tourism of there counties to rise the economic standers of there countries and its very importance solve the problem of the local people which they are facing due to increasing in tourism (Sharpley and Telfer, 2015).

3.2 Implications of balancing supply and demand with reference to Qatar

Being Junior Consultant of International Tourism Consultancy Tourism Demand depends on psychological, geographical, economic and political factors of Qatar. Tourism demand goes with the relationship between price and quantity. It always changes and become increasingly differentiated. Holiday packages of Qatar are customized that accommodate individual's freedom through a modular product design (Stylidis, Biran and Szivas, 2014). Tourism destinations of Qatar are shaped by demand of the particular country. VAT rate could boost Qatar's tourism sector which decrease taxation passed in the form of price deductions. Tourism supply includes the major elements that extend to promotion, maintenance and management of tourism facilities of Qatar. Infrastructure includes accommodation. Transportation and telecommunication. There has to be proper balancing between demand and supply of tourism. Hospitality services, transportation facilities and cultural resources should be utilized and available on time to provide the best customer service (Weaver, 2014). There should be complete quality assurance and pricing of the products and rooms from formal to informal hotels. Demands of tourism should comply with the supply of the tourism. Malls, products of Qatar are appreciated by the tourists. Its beauty os found in its diversity and unspoiled wilderness area, accessible wildlife that shapes the demand of tourism demand of Qatar.

3.3 Moral and ethical issues of enclave tourism in Qatar

Qatar face different types of ethical and moral issues exist that face to deal with tourism activities. Enclave tourism also consider successful planning for development of activities in successful manner. Environment must focus on restricted activities and results for development of ethical and moral perspective. At particular areas of destination, it can be stated that customers attracted easily (Benur and Bramwell, 2015). At destination, small geographical areas consider activities to satisfy and enjoy entertainment. Qatar also regulated systematic work performance in business environment. Self contained activities helps to focus on maintain more effective work performances in systematic manner.

Moral and ethical issues with enclave tourism activities in Qatar

In particular areas of nation, enclave tourism activities develop to create more benefits. However, it is not consisting enclave because several activities restricted and not access which is dominated in entire process. Along with this, moral and ethical issues are main concern in particular region because of political unrest and threats (Stumpf, Sandstrom and Swanger, 2016).

Interpersonal relations among stakeholder

In the nation, there are several conflicts take place among stakeholder in tourism activities. Therefore, objectives, profits and decision making process consist to focus on maintain effective work performances (Giaoutzi, 2017). On the basis of easier and challenging work performances, it can be stated that interpersonal relations and better communication with stakeholders. It helps to reduce negative things and impact from better services which make outcomes and challenging channels of performances. It also helps to increase better growth and fast forward results that create proper attention regarding business results.

Enclave tourism

With the help of enclave tourism approach, it can be stated that proper changes and better results will be gain successfully. Better changes helps to produce positive work performances, legal structure to sustain and maintain lawful content (Woo, Kim and Uysal, 2015).


It is one of the approach, certainty also develop in business environment. Conflict interest also maintain with different culture among several stakeholders. Single culture also produce proper understanding and development activities in particular community. Methods of resolving conflicts also ensure that future well-being develop positive results in tourism destination (Rasoolimanesh, Ringle and Ramayah, 2017).


4.1 Compare current issues associated with tourism development in Qatar and Mexico

Qatar has very good economic condition in the world and its comes in the list of top ten richest economics in the world. Whereas on the other hand the Maxico economic conditions is also good but as compare to Qatar there conditions can be more good and by increasing tourism there economic conditions can be improved more. Impact of tourism come on the economic of the country (Bramwell, Higham and Miller, 2017). Mexico's tourism is at its boom and creating record levels to there visitors.

Environment impact

Qatar has very high temperature in summers and very low in winters. Whereas, is Maxico the climate is comparative good and bearable so this attract tourist more and they prefer to go there and visit that place again and again (Stylidis, Biran and Szivas, 2014). The population of Qatar is more so resource are more scary and wastage of resource is more. Whereas in Maxico due to increasing tourism deforestation is take place and environment pollution is increasing day by day. This is bring dis balance in ecosystem of that country.

Social impact

As Qatar is a developing country so people they are less educated and are less aware about countries and the rule of this country is more strict for woman than any other countries. Whereas, is Mexico rules for woman are not strict at all. Rule and regulation of Qatar are very strict as compare to other countries. This can be a reason for low tourism in that country. There is lack of knowledge in people of these countries (Woo, Kim and Uysal, 2015).

4.2 Recommendations for future Development of Tourism

New initiatives have been taken by Qatar in order to grow it into a global trend. Qatar Tourism Authority will launch next phase in September. This strategy focus on Qatar at world class tourism in the world. Few recommendations for future tourism development in Qatar and Mexico are followed:

  1. 3. Tourism Planning: Regional and national plans of Mexico and Qatar are required to get integrated on the ground of available resources, skills and public policies. These plans would be properly identified by stakeholders and planners who would further utilize fiscal and legal regimes, information, knowledge and evaluation tools among professionals of Qatar and Mexico. Planning thus facilitates collaboration and cooperation between two ministries and ministries of culture, departments of environment and conservation (Bramwell, Higham and Miller, 2017). External and local professionals are involved in producing the plan which contributes to the sense of ownership by management, constituenties, governance and financial capacity of Qatar and Mexico.
  2. Marketing and Promotion activities: Marketing of tourism should be there through advertisements and online basis. Investment should be done to attract local foreign people of Qatar and Mexico. Ambassadors should be hired for this work. This would increase tourism and share in the world market. Department must focus on implementing promotional programs internationally. International representatives and QTA must activel y sell and market Qatar to the international travel trade eith in association with stakeholders or independently.
  3. Infrastructure development: Investment must be done on the development of historical monuments of Qatar and Mexico so that heritage of both remain preserved and focus should be there on its diversity. Mexico Tourism Board has launched many programs like Solimar international conducted sustainable tourism plan for Rio Bravo region of Mexico. Investment on infrastructure would attract foreigners on large amount (Bramwell, Higham and Miller, 2017).


From the above report, it can be concluded that sustainable tourism activities helps to generate more creative results and outcomes in the particular area. In order to plan tourism development, present report summarised about benefits of stakeholders in tourism planning to develop partnership activities with public and private sector. Hence, in Qatar it considers to focus and maintain more systematic work performances. Beside this, report articulated about concept of sustainability and performance objectives that develop with high performance level of output. It helps to understand about key features in tourism activities in order to plan different level of activities. In order to consider different level of tourism at different level such as international, local and nation level.

As per other information, it can be interpreted that balancing supply and demand helps to increase enclave tourism activities. On the basis of different factors and functions, people able to visit island of Qatar and Mexico. Apart from this, it assists to make proper changes as per task oriented goals and objectives.

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