
How To find out the possibilities of Urban Tourism on Cambridge city - Sample

University: UK College of Business and Computing

  • Unit No: 8
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 8 / Words 2048
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: M/508/9860
  • Downloads: 2752
Question :

This unit is based on conducting research on urban tourism based on the field notes and data collected to visit Cambridge.

  • Provide brief introduction to urban tourism
  • Demonstrate literature review on urban tourism and topic relate to the subject study.
  • Analyze discussion and result of the study.
Answer :


1.1 Overview of research

Urban tourism is a best term that describe multiple activities of tourist in which city is main place and destination of interest (Urban Tourism, 2018). This type of tourism is comparatively complex and old. Cities where always aim of many trips and journeys although it becomes more famous phenomenon since 50's. As a part of urban tourism research didn't subsist before 1980 and till 1990 was very underestimated. Such tourism within cities is powerfully connected with their technology development and growth as well transportation, railway, roads etc. In simple word urban tourism is the set of activities and resources of tourist which is located in cities and towns and served to travellers from elsewhere (Bramham and et. al., 2017). In simple work urban tourism is a kind of tourism activity which takes better place in an urban area with its inherent concepts defined by non-agricultural based economy including manufacturing, administration, trade and services and by state nodal points of transport. These type of destination and places serve a heterogeneous and broad range of architectural, cultural, social, natural and technological products and experiences for business and leisure. This report find out and identify the possibilities or chances of urban tourism of Cambridge city. It is identify as a attractive place which attract large number of tourist   in daily basis. In this research, given destination is Cambridge city which is more attractive place for the large number of travellers. 

1.2 Background of research

Urban tourism is one of the essential and wider concept for a tourist to know what is signify by urbanization. Analysis and examine the dynamic of cities in developing nations that have lead to a maximise in their tourism image or profile considering trends review in urban tourism including tourist demand and product development. It is observe as an important sector by government to create economic growth and success (Cui and Ryan, 2011). It is also important for the tourism to maximise in planning of business in urban center on available resources and redeveloping innovative products as well as rendering a challenge to the usage of urban tourism concept in sustainable manner. Urban tourism in Cambridge city can serve different kind of services and products which become aim demanded by large number of person on the tourism place. Such type of city has to serve products for visitors, can be anything non material and material like particular location, specific place considering religious, cultural, entertainment, museum etc. further, they also offer city service or its development including building, transport, architecture etc. There are different many instance of urban tourism products such as festivals and sport area, programs developed to attract nations and international visitors. In Cambridge city various ways of tourist activities are included; religion, business venues, transport, shopping, leisure, sightseeing, trainings, involvement in conference, congresses, entertainment in clubs, events etc.  Thus all these are important part for tourism to attract large number visitors and maximise growth and development in such city (Delaplace and et. al., 2014)).

1.3 Introduction of Cambridge

Cambridge is a country town and university city of Cambridgeshire, England on the river cam. In the United Kingdom, Cambridge city is more famous and papular which benefited to the tourism sector to attract large number of visitors easily. In such  city, there are different number of destination for the visitors to visit there. There are different attractive place in these city including Cambridge University, Fitzwillian Museum, Granta Punting Company, clubs, theatre, Cambridge city areas, bars, cinemas, parks, music venues,  nature reserves and many more. In 2015 to 2016 budget of this place approximately £1.643 billion. Over 4.1 million tourist visited in Cambridge in year 2008 which was maximised in coming times  (Dirksmeier and Helbrecht, 2015).

1.4 Research aims

It is main part of the research is is important for the each and every industry to identify main motive and purpose of preparing research. Thus it is essential for them to increase their growth and success at different level. Main aim and motive of research:

“To find out the possibilities of urban tourism on Cambridge city”.

1.5 Research objectives

There are certain objective of research which is important for the tourism to identify its impacts and effects on tourism. Some research objectives are determined as below:

  • To determine the process used by Cambridge in order to gain attention of large crowd people
  • To identify the importance of travellers at urban places.
  • To examine the nature of products which are offered to people living in urban places.
  • To determine the marketing features of urban areas

1.6 Research questions

It is identify as a way of statement which is completely based on research objectives. This are effective in identifying and addressing entire problems of research effectively. Research questions is importantly interrelated with the research objectives which are developed as per the predetermined aim of research. The significant research questions are explained as below:    

  • How to determine the process used by Cambridge in order to gain attention of large crowd people
  • What are the ways to identify the importance of travellers at urban places.
  • How to examine the nature of products which are offered to people living in urban places.
  • How to determine the marketing features of urban areas



2.1 Introduction

It is another useful part of the research in which researcher carry out investigation program appropriately. It is identify as a main component in which investigator collect large amount of information regarding research topic. These are assist  in carry out investigation effectively and at the same period of time it support in draw accurate conclusion. Under this researcher gather data regarding the point of view of writers about research topic. In this part of research investigator follow articles, journals and different kind of books.

According to the Murphy, (2013)Tourist are fevered for growth and progress in tourist destination. It is essential for the tourism to attract large number of visitors for travel at Cambridge city happily. Urban tourism is the part of travel and tourism industry to design an effective plan about to visit different location which are located in such destination. Thus, it support the business to maximise their development and growth at international as well as national level also. In the Cambridge city, there are different number of places which are attract various tourist for visit there. In this Cultural & Theme Tours, Educational sites, Tour & Sightseeing, Walking tours, Sights & Landmarks, Walking & Biking Tours, Cultural tours, Historic sites, parks, Museums, architectural building, nature & parks, speciality museums and many other that attract different visitors to go there and visit happily.          

2.2 Urban tourism

Urban Tourism is identify as an effective place and set of tourist activities and resources which is located in cities or towns and offered to travellers from elsewhere. According to the.... Urban Tourism in Cambridge city attract different number visitors in an effective and efficient manner. According to the Neirotti,  (2012) There are different number of places such as King's College and King's College Chapel, Queens' College and the Mathematical Bridge, Cambridge University Botanic Garden, St. Mary the Great Church and the Round Church, Trinity College, Fitzwilliam Museum,  Anglesey Abbey, Gardens and Lode Mill, Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Peterhouse College, Corpus Christi College, St John's College,  Museums of Cambridge, Technology, and Science,National Horse Racing Museum and many other. All these are essential and important for the tourism to maximise their growth and development within predetermined period of time.

One of the main benefit of Cambridge city for the visitors to attract different number of travellers to visit there in an effective and efficient manner. For example, different education and universities styles attract various students on regular basis. On the other hand Nunkoo and Ramkissoon, (2010) Urban tourism is related with different activities and functions which is happen in the urban places. These are not only connected with leisure as well as related with business, educational tours, conference, infrastructure, fashion and many other.

Urban tourism supply and demand: Urban tourism is straightly depending on activities and arriving of visitors in the locations. As per the research approximately 898 millions visitors are touring internationally. According to the Tsai and Chen, (2011 )this measure will be extending to 1.6 billion of 2020 it means half of the visitors are wondering in order to travel European as well as its nearby countries including France and England. Large number of tourist that effects on economy growth and development on regular basis. Further, different opportunities of employment is also implemented with the urban tourism and country development. According to the Pillay and Rogerson,  (2013) Such type of tourism attracts as well as appeals the visitors as for the means of transportation, communication, infrastructure and information services they are having. They require not to put additional resources in handling these for large number of visitors. In Cambridge city there are cube of universities and club including Lucy Cavendish, Trinity, St John’s, Magdalene, Queen’s, Newnham, Downing College and many others.

All these attraction are recently placed in the Urban location if the city. These type of force comprises of anthropological, archaeological and historical components. There are different number of education places where different number of leaders of the international learn how to handle and grab the possibilities.

Maslow Hierarchy needs of motivation: This theory is framed by the Maslow, each and every location is implemented as per the existing resources. As per the point of view of Quinn, (2010)  After a various time period its impregnation for that initiatives are over and they launch to demand and want more. It is identify as a stage of all site across the globe. For instance: In today, US is more power in future. The self-actualisation for United States of America can be observed as participation if United Nations bodies (UNO) to develop the globe with each other and have peace.  



This can be identify as one of the important and necessary part of the research projects. It is effective and useful for the entire hospitality industry to implement their business operations and activities in an accurate way in order to achieving better outcomes and results. This methodology is more essential and significant for the researcher to maintain effectiveness throughout investigation. In this  main role of the researcher is to apply different tools and approaches which help them to identify needs and wants of visitors (Frenzel and Koens, 2012). Thus, it is a best way to analysis the outcomes of a given issue on a particular matter or issue that is also bring up as research difficulties. 

3.1 Type of methodology

In this way, investigator remain responsible in order to find out quality of research as this support in apply various technique's and approaches effectively for the aim of effective research. There are mainly two type of methodology which is used by the all researcher including qualitative and quantitative. Both are important and beneficial for the tourism sector to collect accurate information or data about tourism destination, products, services, technologies, customer taste and preference.  Quantitative research is beneficial for the investigator to gather and evaluate the information in numerical figures or terms. On the other hand qualitative research is also important for the researcher to gathered and find out data in ways of quality. Thus, both types are beneficial which is obsessed with possibility or chances of urban tourism on Cambridge city. In this researcher mainly apply qualitative investigation approach which help them to accomplish better outcomes  (Füller and Michel, 2014). 

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